Tekken 8 Bot Dominates Using Single Button Strategy

Follow the journey of a Tekken 8 player who pits a bot programmed to press a single button against opponents and witnesses its climb to the prestigious Destroyer rank.
Tekken 8 Bot Dominates Using Single Button Strategy


  • A Twitch streamer's Tekken 8 Eddy Gordo bot reached the esteemed Destroyer rank by spamming a single button.
  • Spammers in Tekken 8 are known for repetitive moves, posing challenges even to top-ranking players.
  • The Tekken 8 community continues to engage in banter over the effectiveness of spamming, especially with characters like Eddy Gordo.

An unconventional Tekken 8 bot achieved the impressive Destroyer rank by executing a relentless single-button strategy. Since its inception in 1994, Bandai Namco's 3D fighting game series has cultivated a diverse and dedicated following. However, not all Tekken enthusiasts share the same views on acceptable gameplay tactics. The emergence of a Tekken 8 bot showcasing the dominance of repetitive moves sheds light on the effectiveness of this controversial strategy.

Spammers in Tekken 8 are notorious for their tendency to repeatedly use the same move or button during matches, displaying limited variation in their attacking patterns. Eddy Gordo, a character introduced in Tekken 3, is often a magnet for spammers due to his unique moveset and elusive capoeira style, which can confound even seasoned Tekken players. While Eddy is appreciated by many for his complexity, lower-ranked Eddy users have gained notoriety for securing victories through relentless spamming, a phenomenon that has become an inside joke within the Tekken community.

Curious to explore the impact of spamming powerful Eddy combos in Tekken 8's online ranked mode, a user enlisted a bot to execute a single button press without consideration for factors like spacing or character matchups. Streamer jimmashima streamed the bot's journey through the matchmaking system, where it surprisingly excelled, eventually reaching the esteemed Destroyer rank, just two steps away from the prestigious Garyu and Tekken 8's red ranks.

Understanding Tekken 8's Ranking System

In Tekken 8, online matchmaking is categorized into color divisions, spanning from brown to gold, each containing three ranks. The orange ranks, the sixth division from the bottom, cater to players in the early stages of their Tekken journey. While these players are considered beginners, the orange ranks and those below constitute a significant portion of the game's player base. Data from Tekken 8's replay system suggests that attaining the orange ranks positions a player at or above the skill level of more than half of the game's ranked community.

Eddy's reintroduction in Tekken 8 brought about substantial changes and controversies within the community, particularly as the character served as the first DLC addition for this version of the game. Despite the alterations to gameplay and monetization, the ongoing debate surrounding Eddy spammers in Tekken 8 persists, offering amusement to seasoned series fans.