
Former Shadow the Hedgehog Voice Actor's Take on Keanu Reeves Joining Sonic 3 Cast

Jason Griffith, a previous voice actor for Shadow the Hedgehog, shares his thoughts on Keanu Reeves being cast as Shadow in the upcoming Sonic 3 movie.

Potential Sony Takeover Rumors Stir Up Halo Fans

Speculations about Sony eyeing a major Hollywood acquisition spark discussions on how it might influence the beloved Halo franchise.

The Dilemma of Star Trek 4: Should Paramount Move On?

The long-awaited Star Trek 4 may face an uncertain future, prompting questions about the need for a new direction.

Star Trek Fans' Call for Taking a Cue from Star Wars

Exploring how Star Trek can benefit from adopting elements of the Star Wars franchise.

Star Trek Enthusiast Picks the Deadliest Weapon in the Federation

A surprising choice challenges conventional wisdom on the most dangerous weapon in the Star Trek universe.

The Ongoing Debate: Spock vs. Kirk in Defeating Khan in Star Trek

Exploring the fan controversy over who truly deserves recognition for thwarting Khan's plans in Star Trek lore

Debunking the Myth: Challenging Star Trek's Utopian Vision

Exploring a fan's controversial take on the portrayal of utopia in the Star Trek franchise.

Revisiting Star Trek: Enterprise Reception Through a Fan's Eyes

Explore the polarizing reception of Star Trek: Enterprise as a new fan questions its perceived flaws and praises its unique contributions to the franchise.

Fan Critique Sparks Debate Over Star Trek: Discovery Character's Controversial Mutiny

A critical look at a key character's mutiny in Star Trek: Discovery prompts discussions among fans about the show's narrative depth and character development.

Star Trek's Section 31 Movie: Fans' Bold Request for Timeline Change

One Trekkie suggests a radical move to salvage the Section 31 movie for Paramount Plus.

Reviving Star Trek: Enterprise for a Longer Run

Exploring a fan's detailed vision for extending the series to seven seasons and enhancing its narrative coherence.

Exciting News: A New Paranormal Activity Game is in the Works

Get ready for intense scares and an expanded lore as Developer DarkStone Digital crafts Paranormal Activity: Found Footage game.

The Odo Controversy: Revisiting a Star Trek Character's Actions

Exploring a fan's critical take on Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and the contentious aspects of his character that deserve more scrutiny.

Exciting News: New Avatar: The Last Airbender Multiplayer Game Revealed

Maximum Games and Paramount team up to create a competitive multiplayer game set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Krysten Ritter's Role in Sonic The Hedgehog 3: New Rumor Surfaces

An insider rumor hints at Jessica Jones actress Krysten Ritter playing a surprising live-action role in Sonic the Hedgehog 3.

Rumors of a Star Trek Spinoff Dashed Despite Fan Interest

Despite fervent fan desire, a potential Star Trek spinoff may not come to fruition, leaving enthusiasts disappointed as the science-fiction franchise pursues other projects.

Embracing the Success of Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Gothic TTRPG

Exploring the potential of a gothic horror role-playing game following the Dungeons & Dragons triumph.

Interstellar: Unveiling Earth's Dystopia

Unraveling the circumstances that led to Earth's downfall in the movie Interstellar

Actor Michelle Hurd Shares Insights on Potential Picard Spinoff

Michelle Hurd reveals fans' crucial role in making a Star Trek Picard spinoff a reality.

Speculation: Shadow's Future in Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Franchise

Exploring Paramount's rumored plans for Shadow in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie franchise.