Surviving Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazards: Essential Tips

Master these strategies to outsmart planetary hazards and emerge victorious in Helldivers 2.
Surviving Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazards: Essential Tips


  • Stay informed about planetary hazards to prepare adequately.
  • Maximize visibility by turning off lights in foggy environments.
  • Utilize specific weaponry and shields strategically for survival.

Helldivers 2 throws players into intense battles against Automatons and alien bugs, with the goal of safeguarding Super Earth. Alongside enemy threats, planetary hazards present formidable challenges for Helldivers.

When embarking on missions, players receive warnings about potential planetary hazards, such as fire tornadoes and Acid Storms. To enhance survival odds, here are crucial tips for navigating these dangers in Helldivers 2.

8 Be Prepared for Anything

Read Hazard Warnings

To survive in Helldivers 2, landing on planets with prior knowledge of hazards is crucial. Players can assess hazards before deployment, enabling informed decisions and mission strategies.

7 Equip Stims for Defense

Combat Environmental Threats

Stims offer vital protection against hazards like fire tornadoes in Helldivers 2. By countering damage and healing burns, stims play a pivotal role in sustaining player health amidst environmental perils.

6 Enhance Visibility

Improve Targeting in Fog

In foggy terrains, reduced visibility hampers combat effectiveness. Diminish the visual impairment by deactivating lights, facilitating clearer target acquisition amidst hazardous conditions.

5 Watch for Hazard Signals

Recognize Impending Dangers

Certain hazards in Helldivers 2 exhibit warning signs before impact. Stay vigilant for cues like illuminating meteor strike zones, enabling strategic positioning to evade imminent threats.

4 Leverage Hazardous Conditions

Optimize Weapon Selection

Adapt weapon choices to environmental hazards in Helldivers 2. Exploit conditions like Extreme Cold to maximize energy weapon efficiency, ensuring tactical advantages based on planetary threats.

3 Strategize Without Reliance

Adapt to Stratagem Restrictions

While stratagems are potent assets, hazards like Ion Storms can temporarily disable their usage in Helldivers 2. Diversify tactics to navigate hazard-induced limitations and ensure mission success.

2 Exploit Hazards Against Foes

Maneuver Enemies into Perils

Use planetary hazards to your advantage in Helldivers 2 by luring adversaries into perilous zones. Employ strategic positioning to coerce enemies into hazardous environments, gaining a tactical edge.

1 Prioritize Shield Defense

Safeguard Against Hazards

Equip shield protection in Helldivers 2 to mitigate hazards and enemy threats. Shields serve as a crucial defense mechanism, offering vital survival support during perilous missions.