Mastering Campfires in Darkest Dungeon

Learn the art of setting up camp in Darkest Dungeon to keep your fighters in top shape.
Mastering Campfires in Darkest Dungeon


  • Gaining an edge: Setting up a camp can be a game-changer for your party's survival.
  • Securing firewood: Acquiring firewood is crucial for establishing a camp.
  • Camp dynamics: Understand how camps work to maximize their benefits.

Venturing into dungeons can be grueling, and your heroes often need a breather to recover. Creating a Camp in Darkest Dungeon is a smart move when your fighters are injured and stressed.

For new players, mastering the art of setting up a camp can mean the difference between success and failure in the game's challenging dungeons. If you're struggling to find this feature, read on to discover how to set up a Camp in Darkest Dungeon.

The Technique of Establishing a Camp in Darkest Dungeon

To set up a Camp in Darkest Dungeon, you'll need a special resource called Firewood. This item occupies one slot in your inventory and can be utilized in any room without enemies. Simply click on the item, and your team will establish a Camp. However, Firewood cannot be purchased; it's only available on longer missions.

Acquiring Firewood in Darkest Dungeon

Unlike other dungeon exploration gear, Firewood is not sold in shops. Instead, you receive it at the start of extended missions. Here's where you can obtain Firewood in various dungeon types:

  • Medium Expedition – Grants one Firewood.
  • Long Expedition – Provides two Firewood.
  • Exhausting Expedition – Yields four Firewood.
  • Epic Courtyard Expedition – While it doesn't offer Firewood directly, you can find it from interactable objects.

Understanding Camp Mechanics in Darkest Dungeon

A Camp in Darkest Dungeon is a special feature that enables your heroes to recuperate, heal, and gain bonus effects. It consists of two phases. The first phase is the food phase, where your team can eat. Here are the food options available:

  • Starve – Causes damage and stress without consuming food.
  • Half – Eats x3 food with neutral effects.
  • Full – Consumes x4 food and heals by 10%.
  • Feast – Requires x8 food, heals by 25%, and reduces Stress by 10.

The amount of food needed varies based on party size and individual character conditions. Additionally, quirks and diseases can affect food consumption. The second phase allows heroes to use skills like healing or providing morale boosts. Assign guards to watch over the camp during rest to avoid nighttime attacks. Proper planning is crucial to ensure a successful expedition and the safe return of your heroes.