5 Incredible Feats That Showcase Superman's Might in DC Comics

Superman's power goes beyond strength and speed, as evidenced by the extraordinary feats he accomplishes in the DC Comics universe.
5 Incredible Feats That Showcase Superman's Might in DC Comics


  • Superman's strength enables him to move planets and manipulate the cosmos effortlessly.
  • His super speed reaches such levels that it attracts the attention of deities due to its significance.
  • Beyond his immense power, Superman's true strength lies in instilling hope and saving lives through his words.

Superman is undoubtedly the mightiest hero in the DC Universe, possessing unmatched abilities that can obliterate anything in his path. While his super strength and speed are well-known from movies and TV shows, his comic book adventures unveil even more extraordinary accomplishments.

The Man of Steel regularly achieves jaw-dropping feats in the comics, showcasing the true extent of his power. These acts often defy belief in their grandeur. Despite having the capability to hold the planet in his hand effortlessly, Superman consistently demonstrates remarkable restraint and uses his powers for good, debunking the notion that power corrupts.

5 Planetary Movement

Exercising Power Over Gravity

Superman's strength is beyond staggering. In various storylines, he has displayed his might in unimaginable ways. From diverting Earth's path in Superman #220 to relocating entire planets in Superboy #140, his feats are as awe-inspiring as they are comical.

By effortlessly manipulating not just the planets' weight but also the gravitational forces that bind them, Superman showcases his ability to reshape the cosmos at will. These incredible acts illustrate his unparalleled might and the limits of his power.

4 Dimensional Travel

Breaking Reality with Supersonic Speed

Superman's speed transcends the ordinary, as seen in DC Comics Presents #29 when his velocity shattered the very fabric of reality. Flying at such unimaginable speeds, he attracted the attention of cosmic entities like the Spectre and the Presence, underlining the magnitude of his abilities.

The need for divine intervention to halt his advance highlights the potential repercussions of his powers, hinting at the infinite scope of his capabilities and the delicate balance he maintains to prevent catastrophic consequences.

3 Solar Reconstruction

Restoring the Sun's Glory

Superman draws his power from Earth's sun, as depicted in All-Star Superman where he absorbs excess solar energy to perform previously inconceivable feats. However, the ultimate demonstration of his power comes when he repairs the sun after it falls victim to corruption.

This selfless act not only showcases his unparalleled strength but also underscores his unwavering commitment to protecting Earth, even at the cost of his own well-being. Superman's ability to perform such mythical deeds further solidifies his status as a legendary hero.