6 Video Game Franchises That Successfully Embraced Risk-Taking

Discover how these video game series defied convention and reaped the rewards of their daring decisions.
6 Video Game Franchises That Successfully Embraced Risk-Taking


  • Assassin's Creed switched protagonists successfully
  • Pokemon: Black and White focused on new Pokemon only
  • The Legend of Zelda transitioned to 3D gameplay

The gaming industry is a realm of constant change and unpredictability. With evolving audience preferences and advancing gaming technologies, the success of a new game is never guaranteed. A single misstep or alteration to an established franchise can spell disaster, leading to its downfall.

Despite the challenges, some long-standing game franchises have thrived by taking bold risks that defied expectations and norms within the industry.

7 Embracing Change from Ezio

Assassin's Creed

The 'Assassin's Creed' series is renowned for its dynamic shifts in protagonists and settings with each new installment. However, a pivotal moment in the franchise's history occurred when it transitioned from the beloved character Ezio to Connor in 'Assassin's Creed 3,' set during the American Civil War. This risky move paid off handsomely, propelling the franchise to a value of around $311 million.

6 Exclusive Focus on New Pokemon

Pokemon: Black and White

Unlike its predecessors, 'Pokemon: Black and White' introduced a radical concept by featuring only new Pokemon in its gameplay, excluding previous generations. This risky decision shifted the spotlight entirely to the new Pokedex, alienating some fans. Despite the initial backlash, the franchise's success continued, culminating in the release of 'Pokemon: Black 2 and White 2,' incorporating all generations.

5 Transition to 3D Adventure

The Legend of Zelda

Shifting from its traditional 2D roots, 'The Legend of Zelda' franchise took a significant risk by embracing 3D gameplay in 'Ocarina of Time' for the Nintendo 64. This departure resonated with players, setting the stage for another daring move with 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,' a groundbreaking open-world adventure that redefined the series and generated $31.5 million in revenue by 2023.