The Best Strategy Games that Put You in Control of the British Empire

Discover games that offer an incredible experience of managing the British Empire
The Best Strategy Games that Put You in Control of the British Empire


  • Step into the shoes of iconic figures and shape the destiny of the British Empire in games like Civilization 6 and Europa Universalis 4
  • Experience the early days of the British Empire as you take on the role of King Henry III in Medieval 2: Total War
  • Fast-track the ascent of the British Empire starting as England in games like Age of Empires 3 and Empire: Total War

The British Empire is considered one of the largest and most impactful empires in history. It has left a significant mark on humanity through its involvement in pivotal events that introduced influential ideologies and concepts. Today, strategy and grand strategy games offer players the opportunity to relive the glory days of the British Empire.

While some strategy games allow players to control England or the United Kingdom, others take them back to the country's earliest days, particularly during the peak of the British Empire. Let's take a closer look at some of the games that let players take charge of the British Empire and explore the unique gameplay they offer.

8 Civilization 6

Lead the British Empire Throughout History

Civilization 6 provides a grand strategy experience that begins with the Neolithic British Isles and extends into the future of the United Kingdom. Players can shape the English Civilization into a powerful cultural or industrial force, depending on their strategic choices. The game also emphasizes faster exploration and naval domination in gameplay, reflecting the British Empire's historical strengths.

Leaders like Victoria and Elizabeth I offer unique abilities that can influence the course of the game, further immersing players in the history of the British Empire.

7 Medieval 2: Total War

Experience the Challenges of King Henry III

In Medieval 2: Total War, players can take on the role of King Henry III of England and face the challenges of securing the kingdom's stability. With a timeline spanning from 1080 to 1530, players have the opportunity to navigate the complexities of medieval politics and warfare. While the game does not extend to the peak of the British Empire, it offers a unique perspective on the early days of England's influence and power.

6 Crusader Kings 3

Shape the Destiny of England

Crusader Kings 3 presents players with the opportunity to ensure England's power and influence, setting the stage for the British Empire's future ascendancy. Players can take on the role of historical figures such as Alfred the Great and navigate the intricate web of medieval politics to create the Empire of Britannia. By fulfilling specific requirements and achieving significant milestones, players can shape England's destiny and lay the groundwork for the rise of the British Empire.

5 Age of Empires 3

Guide the British Empire to Greatness

Age of Empires 3 takes players on a journey from the discovery of the New World to the dawn of colonial times. As the British Civilization, players can fast-track the ascent of the British Empire with a straightforward playstyle in real-time strategy. Leveraging the British faction's unique strengths, players can expedite economic growth and build a formidable military force to solidify the empire's power. The game offers a compelling representation of England's expansion and influence during the colonial era.

4 Europa Universalis 4

Dominate the Global Stage as England

Europa Universalis 4 provides an immersive experience, allowing players to guide England through the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era. Starting in 1444, players have the opportunity to shape the British Empire's global influence. The game offers strategic depth, with England's control over key trade routes and its unique historical events contributing to a rich gaming experience. Players can unite the British Isles and chart the course for Great Britain's emergence as a dominant force on the world stage.

These games offer a fascinating portrayal of the British Empire's evolution, providing players with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the challenges and triumphs of managing a global superpower. Whether shaping the destiny of England or navigating the complexities of global politics, these games offer a compelling experience of controlling the British Empire and shaping its place in history.