Mastering Defend Campaigns in Helldivers 2

Discover expert strategies to secure victory in Defend Campaigns and safeguard the galaxy from the Automatons' grasp of managed democracy.
Mastering Defend Campaigns in Helldivers 2


  • Understand the Collective Nature of Defend Campaigns
  • Utilize Effective Teamwork Strategies
  • Prioritize Completing Multiple Planets to Ensure Success

Helldivers 2 is a game known for its lack of explicit guidance, especially in missions like Defend campaigns, making victory elusive for many players. Despite this challenge, the game boasts a large and dedicated player base.

The developers regularly update Major Orders in Helldivers 2, including the crucial Defend campaigns. However, understanding and winning these campaigns can be daunting for most players. This guide aims to provide essential insights to conquer Defend missions.

Strategies to Excel in Defend Campaigns in Helldivers 2

  • Defend Campaigns are not individual missions but collective events requiring all players' participation.
  • When viewing the Galactic Map, identify planets labeled with Defend. Each planet features red and blue bars. By completing tasks on planets, you contribute to filling the blue bar, preventing the Automatons from gaining ground.
  • The Defend campaign concludes when either the red or blue bar reaches its limit. Failure to prevent the Automatons' advancement results in losing the campaign rewards.

Key Tips for Conquering Defend Campaigns in Helldivers 2

Here are some effective tips to secure victory in Defend campaigns within Helldivers 2:

  • Collaborate with friends to enhance your chances of success.
  • If playing solo, join a proficient team to tackle the challenges effectively.
  • Focus on completing operations on multiple planets with the Defend label to increase overall success chances. This diversified approach is superior to concentrating solely on one planet at a time.
  • Opt for easier missions to progress swiftly, such as escorting researchers, when aiming for victory.

Defending against the formidable Automatons in Defend campaigns poses a significant challenge. With their advanced weaponry, Automatons present a tough opposition compared to the Terminids. While Terminid missions offer respite, mastering the strategies outlined above will empower you to defeat the Automatons and establish managed democracy galaxy-wide.