Stellaris: 7 Renowned Paragon Leaders with Exceptional Traits

Discover the powerful traits of these Stellaris leaders that can greatly benefit a galactic empire.
Stellaris: 7 Renowned Paragon Leaders with Exceptional Traits


  • The Galactic Paragons DLC introduces powerful leaders that can be acquired through Xeno-Linguistics technology.
  • Each leader has unique strengths and weaknesses, but their powerful traits make them desirable for specific empires.
  • These leaders offer unique benefits in terms of resources, defense, research, and more.

Stellaris' DLC Galactic Paragons has brought a new opportunity for player-controlled empires to acquire powerful leaders introduced through the Xeno-Linguistics technology. After researching this technology, every decade presents a chance for the player to be contacted by renowned paragons who share their ethics.

These renowned paragons have their strengths and weaknesses, although their disadvantages can be easily offset by their powerful traits. Some may focus on technological advances, while others offer a significant increase in fleet strength with their admiralty prowess. Certain leaders may also stand out due to their specific traits.

7 Factorator Shuladun

Perfect Governor For Industrialist Empires

  • Galvanizer: Increase unity, society research, and trade value from population.
  • Polluter: Reduce population growth speed by 5% as Governor

In Stellaris, resources are crucial, especially when an empire faces threats. With Factorator Shuladun, an empire can easily obtain a large amount of alloys due to Shuladun's Forge Focused trait, which increases alloys from specialist workers.

Additionally, his Destiny trait further increases unity, society research, and the trade value of the planet he governs, making him powerful in various areas. Unfortunately, his negative trait, Polluter, makes him less desirable for certain empires with traits that reduce population growth.

6 Jynn

The Perfect General For A Fortress World

  • Supreme Warrior: Increase army damage, morale, and collateral damage when leading
  • Reclusive: Reduce diplomatic weight by 5% as Councilor

At times, an empire may need a Fortress World to withstand unbeatable threats. With such a world, a hostile fleet must bombard or invade it, a process numerous armies can hinder.

Having Jynn command the defending army makes the planet unbeatable with his Supreme Warrior trait, which increases army damage and morale. Additionally, there is a 15% chance for Jynn to instantly kill a hostile army during every 10 days of combat, making him the ideal guardian.

5 Borin

A Leader Focused On Engineering Studies

  • Brilliant Shipwright: Increases the chance for voidcraft research option, increases engineering research speed, increases ship hull points, and ship upkeep as Councilor
  • Substance Abuser: Leader lifespan is reduced by 10 years.

Researching Engineering technology is crucial in unlocking technological advantages. Borin, a Scientist leader, specializes in such studies with his Expertise: Materials trait.

Furthermore, his Destiny trait is powerful, increasing various modifiers for the empire, particularly a ship's hull points, although it also increases their upkeep costs. The only downside is the Substance Abuser negative trait, which significantly reduces his lifespan.

4 Judge Uld Dagr

A Pacifist Admiral To Keep The Empire Stable

  • Peacekeeper: Increase stability, piracy suppression, reduce crime, and increase pacifist ethics attraction as Councilor
  • Lethargic: Reduce evasion and sublight speed as Fleet Admiral

When playing as a pacifist empire, a player will try to prioritize internal growth. Judge Uld Dagr's traits encourage such peaceful behavior.

His Destiny trait, Peacekeeper, creates a sense of calm inside the empire by increasing stability, suppressing piracy, and reducing crime. However, when employed as an admiral, the Judge functions weaker due to his negative traits.

3 Nasuz Demetor

A Suitable Veteran To Explore The Galaxy

  • Vibrant Storyteller: Increases monthly unity, increases survey speed, and has a chance to discover strategic resources while on a Science Ship.
  • Stubbornness: Reduces leader experience gain.

Exploring the vast cold galaxy can be more beneficial with a capable scientist. Nasuz Demetor's traits make him well-suited for this role.

Nasuz's Destiny trait increases unity, survey speed, and the chance to discover strategic resources while surveying. His negative trait can be negated as he will often be out in the field, gaining experience nevertheless, albeit at a slower rate.

2 Aturion

Perfect Strategist For Xenophobic Empires

  • Gray Eminence: Reduce empire size effect, increase governing ethics attraction, and reduce happiness.
  • Intolerance: Reduce trust cap for other empires.

Every empire needs a Ministry of Defense for council positions, and having a leader fit for a particular position can be challenging. For Xenophobic empires, Aturion could become the perfect candidate for that council position.

With his Gray Eminence destiny trait, Aturion can keep the empire size low while also increasing governing ethics attraction. The negative traits should not matter as a Purifier can address those concerns by decimating the galaxy.

1 Zosira K'Tun

The Perfect Candidate For Head Of Research

  • Driven Educator: Increase leader experience gain.
  • Gullible: Reduce empire encryption.

To fill the Head of Research Council position, a player needs the best scientist leader. Fortunately for Egalitarian empires, Zosira K'Tun can be recruited, leading to a technological renaissance.

Her Destiny Trait, 'Driven Educator,' enables her to train other leaders and rapidly level up other scientists, impacting research speed. The negative Encryption modifier she has is inconsequential, as espionage is not effectively utilized by other AI empires.
