The Top 7 Ship Components in Stellaris

Discover the essential ship components for constructing a formidable fleet in Stellaris.
The Top 7 Ship Components in Stellaris


  • Precognitive Systems enhance fleet accuracy and fire rate
  • Harness the power of Dark Matter with the Dark Matter Reactor
  • Utilize the devastating Focused Arc Emitter for long-range combat

Ship designs are crucial in Stellaris and relying solely on auto-generated designs may leave players vulnerable to threats in the vast galaxy. To prevail, players must be well-versed in the best ship components in Stellaris, some of which can only be obtained by defeating Leviathans or choosing a specific ascension path.

7 Precognitive Systems

Enhance Fleet Accuracy and Fire Rate

  • Boosts tracking more effectively than Sapient/Autonomous Systems

Hostile empires and space entities become more defensively adept as the game progresses, making it essential to equip components that improve Tracking. Precognitive Systems, obtainable through the Psionic Tradition Tree, elevate the fleet's Tracking stats and fire rate, surpassing the benefits of normal Advanced Systems.

6 Dark Matter Reactor

Harness the Power of Dark Matter

  • Provides the highest power for ships in-game

Utilizing a system centered around a black hole presents the opportunity to harvest Dark Matter, a crucial element for the Dark Matter Reactor. This reactor offers the highest power among all reactors, enabling the incorporation of numerous other components into ship designs, albeit requiring the tricky acquisition of Dark Matter.

5 Focused Arc Emitter

Utilize Devastating Long-Range Combat

  • Fits into Extra-Large (X) slots
  • Deals 100% damage, bypassing shields and armor
  • Boasts 100% accuracy and one of the longest ranges in the game

AI empires often rely on specialized defensive measures, making the devastating Focused Arc Emitter, especially on Battleships, a formidable weapon. This Extra-Large slotted weapon penetrates shields and armor, inflicting 100% damage and, when combined with other penetrative weapons, poses a substantial threat even to the mightiest Leviathans.
