Top 7 Stellaris Preset Empires for New Players

Discover the best preset empires in Stellaris that offer unique gameplay experiences and are ideal for beginners.
Top 7 Stellaris Preset Empires for New Players


  • Playing with preset empires in Stellaris can save time and introduce players to special in-game events.
  • Select empires like Ix'Idar and Certeran Covenant are powerful and cater to specific strategies.
  • Lokken Mechanists and Blooms of Gaea provide strong tech advancements and efficient playstyles for novice players.

Exploring the vast realm of Stellaris and faced with the daunting task of creating a custom empire, players often opt for preset empires to streamline their experience and dive straight into the game's dynamics. These preset empires not only save time but also unlock unique special events exclusive to each one.

While some preset empires may not guarantee an effortless victory, a select few, with their blend of ethics, civics, and species traits, stand out as formidable contenders capable of securing a win. Let's delve into some of the best preset empires that offer engaging gameplay and strategic advantages:

1 Ix'Idar Star Collective

A Gateway to Hive Mind Empires

  • Origin: Prosperous Unification
  • Government: Hive Mind, Natural Neural Network, Pooled Knowledge
  • Ethics: Gestalt Consciousness
  • Species: Ix'Idar (Hive-Minded, Rapid Breeders, Strong, Fleeting)

Playing as a Hive Mind empire like the Ix'Idar Star Collective offers a unique gameplay experience, especially for those new to Stellaris. With simplified mechanics and strong ethics, this empire serves as an excellent introduction to the intricacies of managing a Hive Mind society.

2 Certeran Covenant

Unleash Psionic Powers

  • Origin: Riftworld
  • Government: Democratic, Dimensional Worship, Ascensionists
  • Ethics: Fanatic Spiritualist, Xenophile
  • Species: Glebsig (Intelligent, Natural Physicists, Weak)

The Certeran Covenant presents a prime opportunity for players inclined towards psionic exploration. With tailored civics and ethics, this empire excels in delving into the mysteries of the cosmos and harnessing psychic abilities for strategic advantages.

3 Lokken Mechanists

Mastering Technological Progress

  • Origin: Mechanist
  • Government: Democratic, Technocracy, Meritocracy
  • Ethics: Fanatic Materialist, Egalitarian
  • Species: Lok (Natural Engineers, Talented, Quick Learners, Slow Breeders)

The Lokken Mechanists epitomize rapid technological advancement, a key factor in dominating the galaxy. Through their unique traits and focus on technology, they offer a balanced yet efficient approach to scientific progress, making them a formidable force in the Stellaris universe.