Discover the Top 13 Origins in Stellaris

Uncover the best origins that shape the background of species and empires in Stellaris.
Discover the Top 13 Origins in Stellaris


  • Stellaris offers unparalleled control to players, making the selection of the best Origin a crucial decision.
  • Recent game updates have introduced new powerful Origins, adding variety and gameplay options.
  • The best Origins cater to different playstyles, offering unique advantages and challenges for players.

Stellaris, a sprawling 4x game, grants players the unique ability to guide their custom alien race through the universe, providing unparalleled control and diverse playstyles.

Selecting the best Origin for one's species is a pivotal decision that significantly influences the game. Recent updates have expanded the game's variety and options, introducing powerful new Origins that redefine the gameplay experience.

13 Prosperous Unification

Simple Origin With Huge Benefit

  • Obtain 4 additional pops on the capital
  • Gain 2 pre-built Districts
  • Enjoy +15% Happiness, +25% Amenities, and +10% Resource from Jobs for 20 years

Prosperous Unification offers simple yet powerful bonuses, emphasizing early-game progress and flexibility.

These bonuses significantly propel an empire's growth and provide a strategic advantage without imposing drawbacks.

12 Overtuned

High Risk High Reward Strategy With Trait Focus

  • Obtain Overtuned traits for the starting species
  • Gain the ability to enable the Damn the Consequences edict
  • Begin with researched Gene Tailoring technology

Overtuned presents a high-risk, high-reward strategy, allowing players to focus on enhancing species traits at the expense of leader longevity.

While it poses challenges, it provides an opportunity for unique gameplay and strategic decisions.

11 Progenitor Hive

Impressive Turtling Origin For Hive Minds

  • Leaders gain experience monthly
  • Ability to construct unique Offspring Nest buildings
  • Lead fleet with Offspring ships

Progenitor Hive offers a complex mix of powerful bonuses and penalties, catering to Hive Minds and presenting strategic trade-offs.

It challenges players to carefully weigh their decisions, leading to diverse and engaging gameplay experiences.