The Top 7 Council Traits to Prioritize in Stellaris

Discover how specific leader traits can influence the balance of power in your empire's quest for galactic dominance.
The Top 7 Council Traits to Prioritize in Stellaris


  • The Galactic Paragons DLC for Stellaris has revamped leaders, making them essential in the game, especially when serving on the empire's Council.
  • Different leader traits offer various benefits, such as resource gain increase, reduced ship costs, and faster terraforming, making certain traits more advantageous.
  • Having multiple councilors with traits like Fleet Organizer and Shipwright can boost naval capacity, improve ship construction, and create a formidable fleet for galactic conquest.

With the introduction of the Galactic Paragons DLC in Stellaris, leaders have undergone significant enhancements, becoming pivotal within the game's mechanics. These leaders also play a crucial role as members of the empire's Council, each possessing unique traits that can benefit their respective classes.

These traits encompass a wide range of advantages, from boosting resource acquisition and strengthening the empire's fleet by reducing ship costs, to expediting terraforming processes for easier colonization. Given the diversity of these traits, some take precedence over others.


Maintain Stability Across All Colonies for Increased Productivity

  • Level 1: +2 Stability
  • Level 2: +4 Stability

Colonies within the player's empire come in various forms, such as Planet Colonies with options like Orbital Rings, Habitats, or the impressive Megastructure Ring World. These colonies possess a stability value, indicating their prosperity, influenced by factors like population happiness and habitability.

However, negative modifiers can lower stability, impacting productivity and potentially leading to Planetary Revolts and independence declarations.

6Fleet Organizer

Easily Expand Naval Capacity for Superior Strength

  • Level 1: +5% Naval Capacity
  • Level 2: +15% Naval Capacity

During empire growth, navigating the limitations of Naval Capacity can restrict strength, resulting in exorbitant ship upkeep costs and energy credit constraints. Acquiring councilors with the Fleet Organizer trait surpasses these limits, enabling the empire to dominate with increased Naval Capacity and formidable ship designs.


Forge a Formidable Fleet with Enhanced Destructive Power

  • Level 1: +5% Ship Weapons Damage and +5% Army Damage
  • Level 2: +7.5% Ship Weapons Damage and +15% Army Damage

Optimizing ship design and Naval Capacity may not suffice in Stellaris, especially when facing formidable adversaries. The Hostility trait empowers the empire's councilors, bolstering ship weapon damage and fortifying fleets, particularly advantageous in large-scale conflicts.


Manage Multiple Council Agendas for Amplified Benefits

  • Level 1: +5% Council Agenda Speed
  • Level 2: +10% Council Agenda Speed

Incorporating Council Agendas expands an empire's advantages without drawbacks, ranging from enhanced happiness to accelerated colony development. Councilors with the Politician trait enable the simultaneous execution of multiple agendas, significantly boosting the empire's productivity.


Rapidly Construct a Potent Fleet to Surprise Rival Empires

  • Level 1: +5% Ship Build Speed and -5% Ship Build Cost
  • Level 2: +10% Ship Build Speed and -10% Ship Build Cost

Following intense battles, weakened fleets render empires susceptible to opportunistic invasions. The Shipwright trait reduces build costs and accelerates ship production, crucial for swiftly deploying a formidable fleet against potential threats.

2Spark of Genius

Expedite Technological Advancements for Galactic Dominance

  • Level 1: +3% Research Speed
  • Level 2: +6% Research Speed
  • Rare research options have an increased chance of appearing

Technological progress in Stellaris is pivotal for an empire's survival and expansion. The Spark of Genius trait, present in Scientist councilors, accelerates research and enhances the likelihood of obtaining valuable rare technologies, providing a strategic advantage.

1Fertility Preacher

Prompt Population Growth for Rapid Empire Expansion

  • Level 1: +3% Pop Growth Speed and +10% Food from Jobs
  • Level 2: +5% Pop Growth Speed and +15% Food from Jobs

Population is a crucial resource in Stellaris, directly impacting an empire's productivity. Councilors with the Fertility Preacher trait expedite population growth and elevate food production, offering a strategic advantage for dominating the galaxy.