Exploring Stellar Blade vs Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Open-Worlds

A comparative look at the open-world zones of Stellar Blade and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, highlighting their similarities and differences.
Exploring Stellar Blade vs Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Open-Worlds


  • Stellar Blade promotes extensive exploration with abundant materials, side quests, and rewards for players to uncover.
  • In contrast to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Stellar Blade emphasizes exploration off the main path, fostering a sense of discovery.
  • The approach to open-world design in Stellar Blade focuses on player-driven exploration, potentially setting it apart from Rebirth.

Embark on a journey filled with adventure, mystery, and rewards in the vast landscapes of Shift Up's Stellar Blade. As players immerse themselves in this world, they are greeted with a plethora of materials for crafting Nano Suits, essential items for the Drone, and engaging side quests waiting to be discovered off the conventional routes. The expansive realm of Stellar Blade beckons exploration, especially as its gameplay mechanics encourage revisiting familiar territories, echoing the essence of a Metroidvania experience.

Similar to Square Enix's Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, both games introduce players to open-world zones as they progress, tempting them to indulge in thorough exploration and completion of tasks before advancing to new horizons.

Contrasting Approaches to Open-World Environments

Evolution of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Open Worlds

Devotees of the original Final Fantasy 7 are treated to a visually stunning semi-open-world rendition in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, infusing nostalgia with a contemporary twist. The meticulously crafted open-world zones in Rebirth cater to both newcomers and veterans, providing a refreshing take on the conventional open-world structure.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth adopts a familiar open-world format akin to Ubisoft's renowned model, skillfully balancing an abundance of icons on the map without overwhelming players. Drawing inspiration from Ubisoft's signature fog-covered maps, Rebirth unveils its territories gradually, prompting players to progress in the narrative to access new areas within the world.

Encouraging Exploration in Stellar Blade's Open Worlds

While Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth strives to maintain engagement in its open-world segments, the prevalent markers guiding players' actions may inadvertently discourage exploration by providing clear directives. In contrast, Stellar Blade shares similar map indicators for Camps, Supply Camps, and side quests but retains an aura of mystery, enticing players to delve deeper into uncharted territories.

Stellar Blade distinguishes itself by concealing valuable collectibles, resources, and lore snippets off the beaten path, challenging players to rely on their intuition and EVE's scanner for unearthing hidden treasures. This element of self-discovery elevates the exploration experience in Stellar Blade above that of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, emphasizing the value of personal exploration and rewarding curiosity.

Both Stellar Blade and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth present unique visions of open-world gameplay, each with its strengths. However, the emphasis on exploration and discovery in Stellar Blade may give it an edge over Rebirth, offering players a more immersive and player-centric open-world adventure.