Exploring the Differences Between Stellar Blade’s Camps and Elden Ring's Sites of Grace

Discover how Stellar Blade introduces unique mechanics with its camps, reminiscent of Elden Ring's iconic Sites of Grace.
Exploring the Differences Between Stellar Blade’s Camps and Elden Ring's Sites of Grace


  • Stellar Blade's camps offer a blend of rest areas, upgrades, and unique features, expanding on the concept of Elden Ring's Sites of Grace.
  • Players in Stellar Blade can enhance gear, buy items, and customize music at camps, providing a fresh gameplay experience compared to Elden Ring.
  • The forgiving nature of Stellar Blade's mechanics elevates camps beyond traditional functions, enriching the player's progression and immersion.

While Stellar Blade takes inspiration from Soulslike games, it distinguishes itself by incorporating various mechanics, including camps that serve as pivotal checkpoints and havens for players amidst a Naytiba-infested Earth. These camps draw parallels to Elden Ring's Sites of Grace but introduce unique elements that set them apart.

Soulslike games have a tradition of integrating checkpoints to offer players a moment of respite from the intense gameplay. Moving from Dark Souls' Bonfire system to Elden Ring's Sites of Grace, Stellar Blade adapts and expands upon this concept to align with its gameplay.

Comparing Stellar Blade’s Camps with Elden Ring’s Sites of Grace

Both Elden Ring's Sites of Grace and Stellar Blade's camps function not only as checkpoints but also as hubs for upgrading stats and equipment. While Sites of Grace in Elden Ring focus on stat enhancements, Stellar Blade offers skill tree upgrades at camps. Additionally, respawning enemies upon resting is a shared feature in both games.

Furthermore, these locations serve as fast travel points, enabling quick navigation across the game world. In Elden Ring, fast travel aids in exploring the vast open world, whereas in Stellar Blade, it facilitates quest progress and backtracking. The forgiving nature of Stellar Blade allows its camps to provide enhanced functionalities compared to Elden Ring's Sites of Grace.

Enhancements in Stellar Blade’s Camps

Stellar Blade's camps elevate the gaming experience by enabling players to upgrade weapons, Potion Inventory Limit, and Gear Sockets on-site, a feature not directly available in Elden Ring. The inclusion of a shop in camps for purchasing potions and grenades further enhances gameplay, offering strategic advantages in battles. Moreover, the music player feature in Stellar Blade's camps adds a delightful touch, allowing players to customize their camp ambiance unlike Elden Ring.