Maximizing Eve's Arsenal in Stellar Blade: A Comprehensive Upgrade Guide

Empower Eve to face the Naytiba threat head-on by mastering the art of equipment upgrades.
Maximizing Eve's Arsenal in Stellar Blade: A Comprehensive Upgrade Guide


  • Discover the essential upgrades for Eve's weapons, Exospines, gear, and tumbler.
  • Learn how to obtain and utilize resources for each upgrade.
  • Enhance Eve's combat prowess and survivability with strategic equipment enhancements.

As players delve into Stellar Blade, they'll realize that success against the Naytiba demands more than just quick reflexes. As the valiant heroine Eve, players must ensure her gear is optimized to endure the challenges and potentially save Earth.

This necessitates seeking upgrades for all aspects of Eve's arsenal, including her weapons, Exospines, gear, and healing options. To aid players in this endeavor, this guide provides comprehensive insights on upgrading each of these crucial components.

All Equipment Upgrades in Stellar Blade

To aid Eve in her battle against the Naytiba, various items require enhancement through exploration, quests, or purchases within Stellar Blade.

Enhancing Eve's Weapons

Eve excels in both close and long-range combat, with the Blood Edge sword serving as a staple. To tackle tougher foes, acquiring Weapon Cores is essential.

These cores drop from boss battles, with Alpha Naytibas such as Abaddon yielding valuable cores. Optional bosses found in side quests may also drop Damaged Weapon Cores, exchangeable for functional ones at D1G-g2r. Using the Repair Console at Camps or with Lily allows for Blood Edge upgrades, enhancing its damage output.

Drone and ranged damage are influenced by ammunition types like normal slugs, explosive rounds, and more. Drone Upgrade Modules enable unlocking additional combat options and expanding ammo capacity.

Elevating Eve's Exospines

Exospines offer diverse benefits tailored to gameplay preferences, powered by Nano Elements categorized into three tiers. Upgrading Exospines demands varying quantities of these elements.

While Nano Elements are obtainable from boxes or environmental destruction, purchasing them with gold from vendors ensures a steady supply for maximizing Exospine upgrades.

Optimizing Eve's Gear

Gear progression in Stellar Blade involves acquiring higher star-ranked versions of existing gear. Starting at one star and peaking at three stars, utilizing three-star gear boosts benefits. Initially limited to equipping one Gear, Eve's capacity expands to four with Omnibolts.

Omnibolts are commonly obtained by dismantling carrier robots or as drops from bosses and boxes. These resources are vital for enhancing Eve's capabilities opportunistically.

Enhancing Eve's Rechargeable Tumbler

In Eve's battle against the Naytiba, sustaining damage is inevitable. Improving the rechargeable tumbler from three to a maximum of eight uses with Tumbler Upgrade Modules is crucial.

These tumbler upgrades facilitate reliable healing, refreshing charges upon resting at Camps. Expanding healing potion capacity involves locating collectible cans worldwide, granting incremental increases for Lingering and Highly Concentrated Potions.