Mastering Stellar Blade: Unlocking Additional Exospine Slot

Discover the key steps to unlocking an extra Exospine slot in Stellar Blade.
Mastering Stellar Blade: Unlocking Additional Exospine Slot


  • Unlocking the second Exospine slot adds depth to Stellar Blade gameplay.
  • Progress through the main story to unlock the second Exospine slot.
  • Upgrade Exospines using Nano Materials for enhanced combat abilities.

Stepping into the realm of Stellar Blade poses a significant challenge for players, with a diverse array of foes requiring strategic engagement. Adapting gear and loadout is crucial before plunging into battle, yet mastering EVE's Exospine is equally pivotal, given its profound impact on combat dynamics.

While players initially contend with a single Exospine slot tailored to their style, the prospect of unlocking a second Exospine slot in Stellar Blade opens new avenues for customization.

Unlocking the Additional Exospine Slot

The journey toward accessing the second Exospine culminates towards the game's climax. While the wait may test patience, saving this significant upgrade for last underscores its importance in enhancing EVE's combat prowess.

To unveil the second Exospine, players must progress through the main storyline, specifically concluding their Abyss Levoire expedition before engaging with Lily in Xion. This pivotal interaction unlocks the additional Exospine slot, empowering EVE for greater challenges ahead.

Enhancing Exospines in Stellar Blade

Upon securing the second Exospine, players familiarize themselves with the upgrade process. Novices can elevate their Exospines by consulting Lily or utilizing the Repair Console feature at a Supply Camp.

Upgrading Exospines mandates adequate Nano Materials. With three distinct types - Nano Materials, Advanced Nano Materials, and Extreme Nano Materials - players need to scavenge, purchase, or loot these resources strategically. Given the plethora of Exospines available, choosing upgrades wisely is imperative.

Novices may find solace in the Reflex-type Exospine, which bolsters shield regeneration and facilitates precise dodging and parrying. As proficiency grows, aligning Exospine choices with individual combat styles becomes paramount, ensuring a seamless fusion of strategy and skill in the cosmic battleground of Stellar Blade.