Mastering Stellar Blade: Strategies for Early Game Domination

Discover effective tactics to gain a significant advantage in the early stages of Stellar Blade.
Mastering Stellar Blade: Strategies for Early Game Domination


  • Utilize unique strategies to level up efficiently and gain crucial resources.
  • Collect powerful stat cores and explore for gear upgrades.
  • Maximize the use of disposable items and gear enhancements for tactical advantages.

Stellar Blade stands out among its gaming counterparts with its distinct gameplay. It blends elements of different genres, offering players a unique experience. In this challenging game, enhancing your character, Eve, is essential for survival and success. From boosting health to acquiring better gear, here are some tips to excel in Stellar Blade.

Players looking to strengthen Eve can start by playing on the Story difficulty setting, providing an initial power boost. However, there are more strategies to explore in the game. Let's delve into some effective tricks.

6 Efficient Leveling

Strategic Rest Spots near High Naytiba Locations

In Stellar Blade, defeating Naytiba enemies yields SP EXP and valuable resources instead of traditional EXP points. Accumulating SP EXP unlocks skill points, offering a unique progression system. While direct stat boosts are scarce, certain skills can enhance gameplay. Exploring and grinding near Naytiba hives can provide Eve with essential currencies.

5 Stat Core Collection

Harnessing Fallen Comrades

In addition to gear, players can acquire stat-boosting cores from fallen comrades. These cores enhance HP and the Beta meter, akin to MP in other games. Gathering these cores and valuable notes from fallen comrades can significantly bolster Eve's capabilities.

4 Gear Enhancement Opportunities

Strengthening Eve's Arsenal

Exploration rewards players with various cores and items to upgrade Eve's gear permanently. Weapon Cores enhance attack power, while Tumbler Expansion Modules and Omnibolts increase utility and customization options. Thorough exploration is key to maximizing Eve's potential.

3 Beta Energy Mastery

Unleashing Blademancer Skills

Optimizing Beta energy utilization through skill trees is crucial in Stellar Blade. Investing in Beta Energy Recharge skills enhances Eve's combat prowess, allowing for faster enemy takedowns and skill tree progression. Efficient Beta management is key to dominating battles.

2 Gear Upgrades

Enhancing Exospine Abilities

Discovering and upgrading Exospines can significantly boost Eve's defensive capabilities and combat effectiveness. The Protection-Type Exospine, for example, provides defensive bonuses and healing benefits. Prioritizing gear upgrades can greatly enhance Eve's survivability in challenging encounters.

1 Tactical Item Usage

Leveraging Disposable Items

Utilizing disposable items like Shock Grenades can provide crucial advantages in combat. These items, available at vending machines in rest areas, offer tactical options for various situations. Strategic use of disposable items can turn the tide of challenging battles in Eve's favor.