Decoding the Gameplay of Stellar Blade

Exploring the game mechanics of Stellar Blade and why it deviates from being a classic Soulslike experience.
Decoding the Gameplay of Stellar Blade


  • Stellar Blade's combat mechanics offer a challenging experience akin to Soulslike games, featuring strategic parry tactics and formidable enemies.
  • While Stellar Blade shares some similarities with Soulslike games, its forgiving approach sets it apart from the unforgiving nature of traditional Soulslike titles.
  • Newcomers to action games may find Stellar Blade's difficulty daunting, but its lenient death consequences differentiate it from true Soulslike experiences.

As the gaming world embraces the Soulslike genre, Stellar Blade by Shift Up emerges with a unique identity. Despite initial concerns about character design, Stellar Blade proves to be a multifaceted experience, offering dynamic combat, immersive exploration, and a plethora of engaging activities. This Sci-Fi action-adventure thrusts players, led by EVE, into intense battles against the formidable Naytibas, reminiscent of the challenging combat in games like Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Both novices and seasoned players will encounter a steep learning curve when delving into Stellar Blade's combat system.

While Stellar Blade mirrors many aspects of the Soulslike genre, it falls short of being a true representative. Although it incorporates elements resembling Soulslike games, distinct features and mechanics set it apart. One could argue that Stellar Blade better fits the category of a