Stellar Blade: Saving Tips

Learn how to effectively save your progress in Stellar Blade without a traditional manual save button.
Stellar Blade: Saving Tips


  • Save your game by resting at a campsite
  • Understand the autosaving mechanics in Stellar Blade
  • Maximize Beta Energy and progress retention in combat

Stellar Blade's universe is divided into different regions waiting to be explored by Eve. Each region is packed with sub-regions, offering camps for resting, enemies to combat, and valuable loot to discover. Among the challenging boss encounters, knowing when and how your progress is saved is crucial to prevent losing earned upgrades or items.

Stellar Blade deviates from the conventional save feature and opts for continuous autosaving during specific player actions. It's essential for gamers to be aware of the saving moments and to strategize when to load a save or embrace defeat in battles.

How to Safeguard Progress in Stellar Blade

To preserve progress in Stellar Blade, simply rest at a campsite. A message at the bottom left corner of the screen will confirm the ongoing saving process. By resting at a camp, that becomes your recent save point, ensuring you respawn at the same spot upon rejoining the game. Remember, there's only one save file, and you can't revert to a save before your last rest at a camp.

Players can reload their recent save by navigating to the main menu, then settings, followed by gameplay, and selecting 'Restart from Last Save' as the final step. However, it's crucial to evaluate the trade-offs before reverting to a previous state.

Understanding Autosaving in Stellar Blade

While resting at camps triggers manual saving, Stellar Blade also incorporates autosaving mechanisms. Eve retains SP, Gold, and collected items even after dying in combat and respawning at the last campsite. This means you retain your progress after respawning.

To retain progress effectively, some players choose to die in combat intentionally, respawn at a camp, and rest to save their progress. Additionally, Beta Energy carries over from previous deaths, allowing players to recharge fully before re-engaging in boss battles. Autosaving in the game occurs automatically, ensuring that your progress is safe unless you deliberately reload a previous save file.