Mastering Skills in Stellar Blade: The Respeccing Guide

Exploring the intricacies of respeccing skills in Stellar Blade's versatile skill system.
Mastering Skills in Stellar Blade: The Respeccing Guide


  • Unlocking New Skills Through Combat Encounters
  • Respeccing Skills with an SP Initializer
  • Utilizing Respecced SP Across All Skill Trees

Stellar Blade's skill tree may seem overwhelming initially, but it holds the key to significantly enhancing your character's power. However, for players who wish to modify their skill choices later on, understanding the respec feature is essential.

Respec, short for skill tree reset, allows players to reallocate their Skill Points (SP) to different abilities. If you're curious about how to execute this in Stellar Blade, here's a breakdown of the process.

Acquiring New Skills in Stellar Blade

Unlocking skills in Stellar Blade is relatively straightforward - engage in combat encounters, utilize perks like Ambush, and earn SP swiftly. SP is accumulated by filling a gauge through defeating foes. Once acquired, players can visit a camp to unlock new skills.

Respeccing Skills in Stellar Blade

To reset their skill tree, players must obtain an SP Initializer item from various locations, including vending machines in camps for 200 Gold. Gold is obtainable through defeating enemies, looting, and completing quests. Using the SP Initializer, players can reset a specific skill tree (Attack, Survival, Tachy, Burst, or Beta) and reclaim spent SP with no restrictions on reallocating them.

After obtaining the SP Initializer, players can reset their skill tree from the menu using the Triangle button. This process refunds all spent SP, allowing for flexible investment across all skill trees, regardless of their original sources.