Exploring Stellar Blade's Enhanced New Game Plus

Discover the enriched New Game Plus feature of Stellar Blade, offering a plethora of new suits, skills, and challenges beyond a simple continuation of progress.
Exploring Stellar Blade's Enhanced New Game Plus


  • Stellar Blade's New Game Plus introduces a wealth of new content, including 34 additional Nano Suits, accessories, cosmetics, skills, and a challenging Hard Mode.
  • In New Game Plus, players retain most advancements but need to re-complete main and side quests for a fuller gaming experience.
  • Stellar Blade elevates its gameplay with a robust New Game Plus mode, catering to dedicated players seeking more than a routine replay.

Many modern games now feature New Game Plus, a popular option allowing players to enhance their characters further by replaying the main story. This mode often offers unique opportunities like increased level caps, new gear, fresh quests, and more challenges. Following this trend, the action-adventure title Stellar Blade by Shift Up also incorporates a New Game Plus mode, enabling gamers to prolong their journey with EVE, Adam, and Lily even after finishing the game.

Stellar Blade's New Game Plus goes beyond a mere extension of unlocking skills or finishing missed quests from the initial playthrough. It enriches the core game by introducing a plethora of new elements, making the first playthrough even more rewarding.

Diving into Stellar Blade's New Game Plus Mode

What Transfers Over in Stellar Blade's New Game Plus

While New Game Plus typically preserves players' character progress from the initial playthrough, not all games follow this pattern. For instance, in Starfield, starting a New Game Plus resets most player achievements, including gear and weapons. In contrast, Stellar Blade only resets the progress made on the game's quests, leaving other acquired elements intact.

  • Gold
  • Items
  • Gear and upgrades
  • Skills and SP
  • Nano Suits
  • Cans
  • Data Bank entries

Although main and side quests don't carry over to Stellar Blade's New Game Plus, players retain most of their progress except for these quests. Consequently, any side quests completed previously, including those from the Bulletin Board, must be revisited in subsequent playthroughs for interested players.

Additional Content in Stellar Blade's New Game Plus

In addition to carrying forward acquired items, Stellar Blade's New Game Plus introduces a variety of fresh content. The focus primarily lies on the inclusion of Nano Suits, aligning with the game's emphasis on outfit customization as a key form of progression.

  • 34 new Nano Suits
  • 5 new accessories
  • Two additional cosmetics for Adam, Lily, and the Drone respectively
  • New skills
  • Hard Mode difficulty

The New Game Plus mode of Stellar Blade unveils 34 new Nano Suits for EVE, as well as 5 new accessories and two extra cosmetic options for Adam, Lily, and the Drone. Players immediately access the Raven Suit upon initiating a New Game Plus run, featuring a gray and blue color scheme.

Moreover, players can expect new skills, which, instead of introducing entirely new abilities, enhance EVE's existing Beta and Burst skills. Furthermore, players unlock a Hard Mode difficulty setting, increasing enemy damage and intensifying the gameplay experience.

Stellar Blade's New Game Plus doesn't revolutionize the game mechanics but significantly enriches the gaming experience with an abundance of additional content. While some titles offer lackluster New Game Plus modes, Stellar Blade sets itself apart by providing players with a substantial extension to the core game. Gamers are encouraged to delve into Stellar Blade's New Game Plus promptly to savor the additional challenges and rewards it offers.