Mastering Dodging and Parrying in Stellar Blade

Learn how to effectively dodge and parry incoming attacks in Stellar Blade to set up devastating counterattacks.
Mastering Dodging and Parrying in Stellar Blade


  • Diverse enemy patterns and fighting styles challenge Eve in Stellar Blade.
  • Perfect dodges and parries open up opportunities for powerful counterattacks.
  • Unlocking and mastering skills in the Survival tree enhances Eve's dodging and parrying abilities.

Stellar Blade presents Eve with a multitude of foes, each with unique attack strategies. Despite this variety, Eve relies on her one-handed sword, offering her multiple combat options.

When confronted with enemy assaults, Eve can choose to block, parry, or dodge. While blocking provides safety, it does not contribute to building Beta Energy and can be countered by certain attacks. Mastering dodging and parrying becomes crucial for Eve to effectively handle enemy strikes, build Beta Energy, and set up counterattacks.

Perfecting the Dodge Technique

Dodging is a primary method to evade enemy attacks in Stellar Blade, allowing Eve to avoid most incoming strikes by pressing Circle. As some attacks cannot be parried, dodging becomes a versatile defense mechanism. A perfectly timed dodge triggers a burst of red electricity around Eve, briefly stunning the enemy and creating an opening for a counterattack with Triangle.

Achieving a perfect dodge demands precise timing, requiring Eve to evade at the last moment. Unlike standard dodges, there are no visual cues for the perfect dodge timing, necessitating players to rely on their reflexes. Investing in the Reflex Boost skill for 2 SP in the Survival Skill Tree widens the window for executing a perfect dodge. Additionally, the Double Dodge skill in the Survival tree enables Eve to perform a secondary dodge, allowing her to reposition if a perfect dodge is missed.

Mastering the Art of Parrying

Parrying and blocking are essential defensive maneuvers in Stellar Blade, both executed using L1. While holding L1 enables blocking, timely pressing of L1 just before an enemy's attack lands results in a parry. Successful parries generate Beta Energy, with Perfect Parries providing a substantial energy boost and momentarily stunning foes. Achieving a Perfect Parry demands split-second reactions.

Unlocking the Focus Boost skill for 2 SP in the Survival skill tree increases the window for executing a perfect parry. However, mistiming a perfect parry can leave Eve vulnerable to enemy strikes. Any standard enemy attack can be parried or perfectly parried, except for those preceded by a blue or yellow flash, indicating more powerful strikes. Mastering perfect parries is crucial for charging Beta Energy efficiently and utilizing Eve's potent skills during combat.