Stellar Blade: Mastering Diverse Endings

Discover the various conclusions to Eve's tale in Stellar Blade by unlocking all three different endings.
Stellar Blade: Mastering Diverse Endings


  • Unravel the intricate narrative threads in Stellar Blade to unveil multiple endings.
  • Navigate crucial decision points and in-game milestones to shape Eve's destiny.
  • Engage in strategic battles and story-driven choices to experience distinct outcomes.

Embark on a captivating journey with Stellar Blade that promises unforgettable adventures. From terrestrial exploits to confronting the menacing Naytibas, and unraveling the enigma of the human race and Andros-Eidos, players are in for a riveting experience filled with rich storytelling and lore.

At the heart of the narrative lies Eve, a character whose fate hinges on the player's choices, ultimately determining the course of the game's conclusion. For those eager to uncover all three unique endings in Stellar Blade, this comprehensive guide provides the essential insights.

Crucial Moments in Stellar Blade

Unlocking the trio of endings in Stellar Blade necessitates attention to critical prerequisites throughout the gameplay.

As Eve progresses through missions, accomplishes objectives, and gathers key lore items, a Lily icon bar in the top right corner gradually fills up to 100%. This metric significantly influences the character's destiny in two of the potential endings. Players must decide whether to max out this bar or maintain it below its threshold based on their desired outcome.

The final opportunity to alter this dynamic emerges prior to opting for the Orbit Elevator route:

  • If Lily's bar hits 100%, she advocates visiting Eidos 9 first, an elective zone featuring unique adversaries, collectibles like Nano Suits, and distinct challenges.
  • With Lily's bar below 100%, the party proceeds directly to the Orbit Elevator, relinquishing the chance to explore the optional area.

Another pivotal determinant is the choice presented at The Nest. Following the revelation of Adam as the Elder Naytiba, players confront a decision: either ally with him to forge a new lineage of human-Andros-Eidos hybrids or defeat him to fulfill the original mission, leading to divergent endings.

Unlocking Varied Endings in Stellar Blade

Having grasped the fundamentals, it's time to delve into the triumvirate of conclusions: Making New Memories, Cost of New Memories, and Return to the Colony.

Making New Memories Ending in Stellar Blade

Regarded as the optimal denouement in Stellar Blade, this ending mandates specific criteria:

  • Ensure Lily's bar attains 100% by exploring Eidos 9 comprehensively.
  • When facing the dilemma at The Nest, opt to embrace Adam's offer.

This sequence culminates in Eve merging with Adam, resulting in a visually striking and potent entity. However, as the Elder Naytiba threat seemingly dissipates, Lily's Providence exosuit malfunctions, prompting an assault on the transformed Eve. Employing Beta abilities, adept parrying, Burst skills, and Tachy Mode becomes imperative to overcome this formidable boss.

Subdue Providence to ensure Lily's safety and witness Mother Sphere's acknowledgment of the successful Eve Protocol. As additional Airborne Squad members descend to eliminate the newfound threat, Eve must utilize her new abilities effectively. The ensuing scenes depict Lily activating the final Hyper Cell, heralding a new era for humanity and Andros-Eidos, potentially hinting at future sequels.

Return to the Colony Ending in Stellar Blade

In this conclusion, minimal interaction with Lily results in Eve adhering to her primary objective of neutralizing the Elder Naytiba for Mother Sphere. While this decision disappoints Adam, the subsequent battle unfolds differently.

Adam's human form exhibits subdued aggression compared to prior adversaries, allowing for a swift victory. However, the true challenge arises when Adam transforms into the formidable Elder Naytiba.

This formidable foe poses a significant threat, utilizing spears and teleportation tactics to launch swift and devastating assaults. Players must adopt a defensive stance, master parrying maneuvers, and utilize drones effectively to counter the Elder Naytiba's onslaught. Eve's eventual triumph leads to a poignant resolution as she and Lily accept Mother Sphere's invitation to return to the colony, unearthing unsettling truths.

Cost of New Memories Ending in Stellar Blade

The third conclusion mirrors the Making New Memories ending, except for Lily's incomplete bar progression. By aligning with Adam at The Nest and confronting Providence without the hacking code from Eidos 9, Lily succumbs to the malfunctioning exosuit, intensifying Eve's animosity towards Mother Sphere.

While battling the Airborne Squad members sans Lily, Eve's resilience shines through amidst the ongoing reconstruction efforts in Xion and Earth, marking a bittersweet conclusion.