Mastering the Acquisition of Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil in Stellar Blade

Unveil the Secrets to Efficiently Harvesting Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil Resources in the World of Stellar Blade.
Mastering the Acquisition of Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil in Stellar Blade


  • Discover the importance of Micro Motor, Coil, and Drive in Stellar Blade for enhancing gameplay.
  • Explore strategic methods to procure these essential items to advance your Exospines.
  • Uncover two reliable techniques to farm Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil effortlessly in the game.

Stellar Blade presents players with a diverse array of resources scattered across its expansive world. Among these resources, Micro Motor, Coil, and Drive stand out as pivotal but elusive items crucial for progression.

These items hold significant value as they are essential for acquiring Nano Elements, pivotal for empowering Eve against adversaries. To aid players in their quest, here is a guide on efficiently obtaining Micro Motor, Coil, and Drive in Stellar Blade.

Mastering the Acquisition of Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil in Stellar Blade

Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil can be acquired through various means in Stellar Blade, from exploration to combat encounters. However, due to the unreliable nature of these methods governed by RNG, players often seek more dependable strategies for obtaining these resources. Fortunately, there are two efficient methods to secure these items effortlessly.

The first method, though demanding, is highly effective in quickly amassing these resources. Upon unlocking the Wasteland region, players should venture to the southern area near the path leading to Altess Levoire. Look for the Wastelands Junkyard Supply Camp on the map; this location is a prime spot for farming as numerous enemies in this vicinity drop Micro Motor, Drive, and Coil.

Utilizing stealth approaches like Ambush for silent eliminations or engaging in direct combat to acquire these items is recommended. The proximity of the camp allows easy access for resource collection and quick stat replenishment.

The second method offers even greater reliability by focusing on farming a specific item. Players need to obtain the Fantastic Bait to initiate this technique. Acquiring this bait involves completing a series of quests culminating in the 'Where is the Fantastic Bait' quest, primarily centered around fishing tasks. Once obtained, players can catch fish using the bait to earn points exchangeable with Clyde for a variety of items, including Micro Motor, Coil, Drive, and Vitcoins. While fishing may pose a challenge, this method proves as one of the most consistent ways to acquire these essential items in the game.