Analyzing Stellar Blade Endings: From Worst to Best

Exploring the three different conclusions in Stellar Blade and evaluating them from the least favorable outcome to the most favorable.
Analyzing Stellar Blade Endings: From Worst to Best


  • Accepting Adam's offer but not completing Lily's progress bar results in a tragic ending for Eve.
  • Refusing Adam's offer leads to a neutral outcome where Eve must confront him.
  • Achieving the best ending in Stellar Blade involves fulfilling Lily's progress bar and making specific choices.

Stellar Blade stands out as a popular RPG crafted by Shift Up and published by Sony Interactive, painting the journey of Eve and her team battling the Naytibas to reclaim Earth from their tyranny.

As the narrative unfolds, players encounter three distinct endings based on pivotal decisions. The climax arrives during the 'Selection of Species' quest, unlocking new gameplay possibilities upon conclusion. Here's an in-depth review of these endings, ranked from the least to the most favorable.

3 The Cost Of Memories

The Unfavorable Conclusion

This bleak outcome marks the lowest point players can reach in the game. Here, Eve succumbs to Adam's persuasion, triggering a tragic turn of events where Lily, under external influence, attacks Eve, leading to a fatal confrontation. Subsequently, an army dispatched by Mother Sphere signals an ominous fate for Eve.

To steer towards this ending, players must accept Adam's offer while ensuring that Lily's progress bar remains incomplete. A completion of Lily's progress bar guarantees a more favorable resolution, underscoring the importance of this game mechanic.

2 Return To The Colony

The Middle Ground

This ending offers a somewhat balanced closure, though not the optimal one players aspire to achieve. In this scenario, upon discovering Adam's true identity, Eve, feeling betrayed, rejects his proposal, resulting in a showdown where she emerges victorious, returning to the colony alongside Lily, hailed as heroes by Mother Sphere.

The only outcome stemming from the refusal to join hands with Adam during the crucial quest, this path necessitates a confrontation that secures Eve's triumph but at the expense of humanity's ultimate demise, painting a somber picture for Earth's future.

1 Making New Memories

The Optimal Resolution

Emerging as the pinnacle conclusion, this ending not only shines as the most gratifying but also features a post-ending cutscene, hinting at its canonical nature, though unconfirmed. Here, the narrative unfolds akin to the darkest ending, yet with a crucial difference – Lily's survival. Defying Mother Sphere's wrath, Eve and Lily conquer the ensuing onslaught, culminating in the placement of the final Hyper Cell, triggering jubilant celebrations among onlookers.

To unlock this triumphant closure, players must diligently ensure Lily's progress bar reaches 100%, necessitating meticulous collection of in-game collectibles. This meticulous attention to detail not only ensures Lily's survival but also secures this optimal outcome, emphasizing the significance of player choices in shaping the game's narrative.