How to Protect Younger Users on Steam Deck

Learn how to filter mature content on the Steam Deck to ensure a safe gaming experience for younger users.
How to Protect Younger Users on Steam Deck


  • Setting up content filtering on Steam Deck is crucial for protecting young gamers.
  • The process involves selecting specific preferences to block explicit and violent content.
  • Users can also filter community chats to prevent exposure to profanity and slurs.

The Steam Deck has gained significant popularity due to its diverse game library and user-friendly features. However, with a wide range of games available, not all are suitable for younger players. Fortunately, the device offers tools and settings to safeguard young gamers from inappropriate content.

Updated January 12, 2024, by Michael Llewellyn: The Steam Store boasts an extensive collection of games catering to diverse audiences, including mature and adult-only content. For families with children, it's essential to filter out such content on the Steam Deck. This guide has been updated to reflect the latest steps following the OS update, including the option to censor community chats.

How to Set Up Content Filtering

To protect minors from encountering violent or explicit content, responsible adults can follow these steps to filter mature content on the Steam Deck:

  • Log into the user's account on the Steam Deck.
  • Select the profile image in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Choose Store Preferences.
  • Access the Mature Content Preferences menu.
  • Disable General Mature Content to block violent or explicit content. Users can view examples of mature games under this category.
  • Filter out content featuring frequent violence and gore to exclude games like Mortal Kombat and Doom.
  • Turn off the Adult-Only Sexual Content option to remove games with extremely sexualized content.
  • Blur out all content containing nudity and sexual material, including games like Grand Theft Auto and Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Utilize the Add Tag feature to specify content to avoid with tags, such as nudity or gore.
  • Under Community Content Preferences, filter and censor profanity and slurs in community chats.

It's important to note that content filtering is unique to each user's settings. Therefore, if multiple children are using the Steam Deck, responsible adults must apply the filtering features individually to ensure a safe gaming environment.