Starship Simulator: A Realistic Space Exploration Experience

Exploring a galaxy with detailed ships and a focus on realistic science, Starship Simulator offers a unique take on space sandbox games.
Starship Simulator: A Realistic Space Exploration Experience


  • Incorporates real-world space science and architectural design
  • Focuses on human space exploration with accurate physics
  • Draws inspiration from Star Trek for a grounded and educational gameplay experience

Embark on a thrilling journey through space with Fleetyard Studios’ upcoming Starship Simulator. This ambitious space sandbox promises a galaxy full of exploration opportunities aboard intricately designed ships, all while following an engaging campaign that envisions the future of human space travel. The game has garnered significant support from Sci-Fi and simulation enthusiasts, evident in its highly successful Kickstarter campaign that surpassed all expectations.

Players are invited to pilot their ships across the vastness of space, assuming different crew roles and applying real physics concepts in line with the hard science fiction genre. For example, the game features ships capable of faster-than-light travel based on the Alcubierre drive theory. Each star's distance is accurately depicted, showcasing the meticulous research that went into the game's development. Fleetyard's director, Dan Govier, shared insights with Game Rant regarding the distinctive approach taken with Starship Simulator and the comparisons it has drawn.

While the game may seem reminiscent of other space titles like Starfield, it sets itself apart by emphasizing realistic technology and scientific principles to drive human expansion in space. The integration of precise science adds a unique appeal to the space sandbox genre, attracting players with a keen interest in authentic space exploration experiences.

Starship Simulator: A Unique Approach

Starship Simulator's success and funding model, which includes selling ships as downloadable content, have led to comparisons with the expansive Star Citizen project. However, Govier views these comparisons as flattering acknowledgments rather than direct parallels. Unlike the MMO format of Star Citizen, Starship Simulator offers a gameplay experience where players can embody various crew members, with the option for both multiplayer co-op and solo play supported by AI-driven crewmates.

To avoid feature overload seen in other projects, Fleetyard maintains a clear development focus for Starship Simulator, with a transparent studio process and a well-defined roadmap for future updates. Govier's commitment to steering clear of unnecessary distractions ensures a streamlined and purposeful game development journey.

The game's core philosophy diverges further from Star Citizen's wealth-driven narrative by prioritizing humanity's collective future and individual contributions to space exploration. Starship Simulator encourages players to engage in space discovery, interact with scientific principles, and encounter diverse alien civilizations. Combat situations arise from failed diplomacy attempts rather than being the primary gameplay objective, highlighting the game's emphasis on exploration and discovery over material gain.

In essence, Starship Simulator encourages players to boldly venture into uncharted territories, echoing the spirit of exploration synonymous with the Star Trek universe.

Starship Simulator: Bridging Science and Fiction

Govier envisions Starship Simulator as a grounded interpretation of the beloved Star Trek franchise, emphasizing realism and scientific accuracy in ship design, crew dynamics, and overall gameplay experience. The game pays homage to Star Trek's legacy of exploration and wonder, reflected in its ship designs inspired by the series and modern architectural concepts. The Alcubierre Drive, central to the game's faster-than-light travel, draws parallels with Star Trek's warp drive while adhering to real-world physics principles.

Govier's passion for science and space exploration mirrors the ethos of Star Trek, a series known for inspiring advancements in technology and fostering a sense of wonder for the cosmos. With meticulous attention to detail, Starship Simulator serves as an educational tool, offering accurate depictions of space phenomena, ship engineering, and galactic layouts. The game aims to inspire a new generation of space enthusiasts through its engaging and informative gameplay experience.

Science fiction, including games like Starship Simulator, plays a crucial role in fueling innovation and stimulating imaginations. By presenting a vision of the future grounded in scientific principles, the game invites players to contemplate the possibilities of human exploration and discovery.

Prepare to embark on a galactic adventure with Starship Simulator, set to launch on Steam Early Access in late 2024/early 2025.