Exploring Starship Simulator: Sci-Fi Designs, FTL Science, and More

Insights from Fleetyard Studios director Dan Goiver on sci-fi inspirations, space exploration realism, and game development
Exploring Starship Simulator: Sci-Fi Designs, FTL Science, and More


  • Discover the inspiration behind the Starship Simulator fleet designs
  • Explore the realism of space exploration and FTL science in the game
  • Understand how Starship Simulator sets itself apart in the gaming universe

The gaming community's anticipation for space sandbox games like Starfield continues to grow, reflecting a deep interest in exploring the cosmos. Amidst the success of its Kickstarter campaign, Starship Simulator emerges as a promising contender in the space sandbox genre. Fleetyard Studios, the creative force behind the game, acknowledges the high expectations associated with such titles and the challenge of avoiding feature bloat that can derail development goals, as seen in the rocky start of No Man's Sky. However, the redemption of No Man's Sky also exemplifies the dedication poured into crafting immersive gaming experiences.

Fleetyard Studios, while shying away from direct comparisons, recognizes the trend in the genre and aims to address it proactively. Their approach emphasizes transparent development, accountability to fans, and a solid foundation showcased in the publicly available demo. Game Rant sat down with Dan Govier, Fleetyard Studios' Director, during the final stretch of Starship Simulator's Kickstarter campaign to delve into player expectations, the allure of starships, and the game's unique position in the sci-fi gaming landscape. The following interview has been condensed for clarity.

Crafting the Starship Simulator Fleet

Q: Could you introduce yourself?

Govier: Of course. I'm Dan Govier, the mind behind Starship Simulator, a project that has consumed my last three years. In this game, players get to inhabit a deep space exploration vessel and navigate the Milky Way galaxy.

Q: What sparked the idea for Starship Simulator?

Govier: My childhood fascination with architecture, engineering, and sci-fi serves as the foundation for this project. Growing up watching various sci-fi series like Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica, I developed a keen interest in starship designs and their functionality. This curiosity led me to ponder the logistics of constructing a real starship and how its internal structure would operate. Thus, the project evolved into a detailed exploration of this concept.

Q: Can you share insights into the ship designs and their inspirations?

Govier: The inaugural vessel, the Magellan class, represents an experimental craft within the game's universe. As the first FTL-capable ship, it symbolizes humanity's leap into galactic exploration. Designing this vessel involved meticulous planning regarding onboard facilities, crew quarters, and essential amenities to sustain life during extended space voyages. The process amalgamated architectural considerations with contemporary mega-vessel construction techniques, envisioning a plausible spacecraft for the future.

The game's visuals and ambiance vary across ship classes. For instance, the Pathfinder class exudes a corporate office aesthetic, emphasizing luxury interiors, while the anticipated Agamemnon class leans towards a militaristic, utilitarian design. Diversifying further, trading vessels from different manufacturers will offer a spectrum of appearances ranging from weathered to sleek. Additionally, smaller crew-centric ships will provide distinct experiences tailored to individual play styles.

Q: Which iconic starship designs from sci-fi media have significantly influenced your creative direction?

Govier: Undoubtedly, Star Trek stands out as a prominent source of inspiration due to its extensive array of ship designs. Personally, I hold a deep admiration for the Destiny from Stargate Universe for its unique aesthetics, which I aim to incorporate into our game's visual identity. Drawing further inspiration from architectural styles featured in Passengers and the works of Zaha Hadid, our ship interiors resonate with a blend of retro-futurism and modern design sensibilities.

I have a soft spot for the Destiny from Stargate Universe and Ancient architecture from the Stargate universe in general. Absolutely stunning.

Govier: Indeed, the Destiny from Stargate Universe holds a special place in my heart as one of the most visually captivating starships. Its elegance and functionality serve as a benchmark for our design aspirations.

Unveiling the Realism of Space Exploration

Q: How feasible do you consider the 200-year timeline for achieving interstellar travel?

Govier: While we have taken creative liberties in areas such as artificial gravity and FTL propulsion, the majority of our ship's technology aligns with present-day advancements. Touchscreens, LED lighting, and fusion reactors, albeit limited in energy efficiency, reflect current technological capabilities. The prospect of interstellar travel within two centuries hinges on resolving energy constraints associated with FTL propulsion, presenting a plausible trajectory for human space exploration. However, achieving practical artificial gravity remains a distant prospect, necessitating incremental advancements to bridge existing technological gaps.

Q: As an aficionado of science fiction, could you shed light on the theoretical underpinnings of your FTL technology?

Govier: Our FTL concept draws heavily from Dr. Miguel Alcubierre's groundbreaking research on faster-than-light travel, reminiscent of Star Trek's warp drive. Incorporating Dr. Erik Lentz's refinements, which eliminate the need for negative mass, our design streamlines the mathematical framework for FTL propulsion. While the intricacies of these theories surpass my expertise, the fundamental principle underscores the significance of energy abundance over negative mass requirements. This framework inspired the distinctive ring structure adorning the revised Magellan class, embodying a fusion of Alcubierre's concepts with Lentz's advancements in theoretical propulsion.

Q: How extensive was your research into space science to inform the game's mechanics?

Govier: The development process entailed exhaustive exploration encompassing not only space sciences but also diverse disciplines such as electrical engineering. Each aspect of the ship's functionality demanded a comprehensive understanding of related subject matter, from electrical systems to galactic astrophysics. Delving into scientific literature, we strived to align our fictional constructs with theoretical physics, ensuring a cohesive narrative grounded in scientific plausibility. This iterative research approach spanned an extended duration, consolidating a knowledge base essential for crafting a credible and immersive gameplay experience.

Q: How did you navigate the integration of realism and gameplay dynamics?

Govier: Balancing realism with gameplay mechanics posed a nuanced challenge, necessitating a harmonious fusion of both elements. While gameplay considerations occasionally dictated certain decisions, preserving scientific integrity remained a cornerstone of our design philosophy. Striking a delicate equilibrium, we calibrated the degree of realism to optimize player engagement without compromising authenticity. Extensive playtesting facilitated continuous refinement, ensuring that the gameplay experience remained immersive while honoring scientific principles. This iterative process underscored the pivotal role of player feedback in shaping the game's development trajectory.

Q: What maintenance tasks can players anticipate and how will these obligations influence gameplay?

Govier: The game simulates a dynamic maintenance ecosystem where wear and tear, external damage, and routine upkeep collectively contribute to the ship's operational integrity. Beyond structural maintenance, players are entrusted with diverse tasks ranging from engineering repairs to janitorial duties. Routine cleaning, system diagnostics, and damage control activities form integral components of the gameplay loop, requiring players to proactively manage ship systems to ensure optimal functionality. By immersing players in these multifaceted roles, the game fosters a holistic understanding of spacecraft management, enriching the gameplay experience with strategic decision-making and resource allocation.

Q: Which maintenance tasks posed the most intriguing design challenges?

Govier: The interplay of various systems within the ship engendered complex design dilemmas, particularly in orchestrating the synergy between critical components. For instance, configuring the fusion reactor necessitated a meticulous examination of its interdependencies with fuel sources, coolant systems, and power distribution networks. Anticipating contingencies, such as system failures or emergencies, prompted a comprehensive reassessment of redundancy measures and fail-safe protocols. This holistic approach to maintenance design accentuated the intricate web of interconnected systems, underscoring the pivotal role of strategic planning and foresight in sustaining the ship's operational resilience.

Q: Will managing maintenance tasks overwhelm solo players, and how does the role-based system mitigate these challenges?

Govier: The role-based framework offers a tailored solution to the maintenance complexity, streamlining player responsibilities based on their chosen role. Whether assuming the mantle of a commanding officer, an engineer, or a support specialist, players are insulated from extraneous tasks beyond their designated purview. This delineation of roles ensures that each player focuses on a specific aspect of ship management, fostering a sense of specialization and cohesion within the crew dynamics. By delineating distinct roles and responsibilities, the game optimizes player engagement, promoting collaborative gameplay experiences that prioritize individual expertise within a collective operational framework.

Q: What are the available crew roles, and which role resonates most with you personally?

Govier: The roster encompasses command staff, engineering teams, tactical units, deck crew, culinary staff, janitorial crew, and scientific personnel, offering a diverse array of roles for players to assume. Among these roles, the chief engineer's position holds particular appeal to me, embodying the essence of problem-solving and hands-on technical proficiency. The opportunity to troubleshoot system malfunctions, restore functionality, and spearhead critical repairs resonates with my inclination towards methodical problem-solving and operational efficiency. As a pivotal figure in ensuring the ship's operational readiness, the chief engineer embodies a blend of technical acumen, leadership, and resourcefulness that aligns with my personal gameplay preferences.

Crafting Starship Simulator's Cosmic Realm

Q: What customization options are available for characters and crew members, and how does this feature enhance gameplay?

Govier: The game offers rudimentary character customization features encompassing physical attributes, hairstyles, and attire selections, enhancing player agency in shaping their avatar's appearance. This customization extends to NPC crew members, enabling players to personalize and name their crew roster, fostering a sense of attachment and investment in the crew's composition. As the game evolves, we anticipate expanding these customization functionalities in collaboration with a dedicated character specialist, enriching the breadth of options available for character and crew customization.

Upon initiating a new game, players are presented with a full roster of crew members, empowering them to individualize and assign roles to each NPC crew member. This comprehensive customization framework extends parity between player and NPC character personalization, ensuring a seamless and immersive crew management experience.

Q: How do you sustain player engagement within a procedurally generated galaxy, and what strategies enhance the game's replayability?

Govier: Nurturing player engagement within a procedurally generated galaxy necessitates a multifaceted approach to content diversity and asset variability. By leveraging procedural asset generation techniques, we strive to imbue each game element with visual distinctiveness, ensuring that no two assets are identical. The strategic expansion of our asset repository, coupled with ongoing asset refinement efforts, aims to infuse the game world with rich, visually captivating elements that augment the player's exploration experience.

Q: Could you provide insights into the alien species featured in Starship Simulator?

Govier: The game introduces two distinct categories of alien entities: handcrafted Story Mode aliens and procedurally generated aliens. Story Mode aliens are meticulously designed entities integrated into the game's narrative, boasting intricate backstories and substantial lore. In contrast, procedurally generated aliens populate the galaxy at large, infusing diverse planetary ecosystems and spacefaring civilizations with a rich tapestry of unique races. By combining curated narrative elements with algorithmically generated content, the game offers a dynamic and immersive galaxy teeming with diverse alien life forms.

Q: Could you provide a glimpse into the game's campaign structure and thematic progression?

Govier: The game unfolds across a three-part narrative arc, each segment exploring distinct thematic elements and gameplay dynamics. The initial campaign, centered around the Pathfinder class vessel, emphasizes galactic exploration and discovery, setting the stage for humanity's foray into the cosmos. Subsequent campaigns delve into interstellar conflicts, diplomatic tensions, and the expansion of human influence throughout the galaxy. By interweaving narrative depth with strategic gameplay, each campaign offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience tailored to diverse player preferences.

Q: How does the Kickstarter success resonate within Fleetyard Studios, and are there specific goals you aspire to achieve with the project?

Govier: The overwhelming success of our Kickstarter campaign surpassed our initial expectations, underscoring the community's enthusiasm and support for our vision. While initially targeting essential funding milestones, the campaign's resounding success catapulted us towards ambitious stretch goals, propelling the game's development to new heights. Excitement and gratitude permeate Fleetyard Studios as we embark on this transformative journey, fueled by the community's unwavering belief in our project's potential.

Q: Are there any future milestones or stretch goals you are particularly eager to reach?

Govier: Achieving the £500,000 milestone stands as a pivotal objective, enabling us to expand our development team and enrich the game's universe with additional content. By fortifying our studio's infrastructure and fostering a vibrant development environment, we aspire to cultivate a robust and sustainable platform for creative innovation. While our current funding level supports essential development initiatives, realizing the £500,000 milestone would signify a significant leap towards establishing Fleetyard Studios as a prominent player in the gaming industry.

Q: Is there any final message you would like to convey to the gaming community and enthusiasts eagerly anticipating Starship Simulator?

Govier: Our vision for Starship Simulator extends beyond conventional gaming experiences, aiming to foster an educational and immersive journey into the realms of space exploration. By intertwining scientific accuracy with engaging gameplay mechanics, we strive to inspire curiosity and appreciation for the marvels of space. Embracing the ethos of discovery and innovation, our game serves as a gateway to the cosmos, inviting players to embark on a voyage of exploration and enlightenment. As we chart a course towards Early Access on Steam in late 2024/early 2025, we eagerly anticipate sharing this transformative odyssey with the gaming community and beyond.