Unveiling the Untapped Potential of House Va'ruun in Starfield

Exploring the significance of the Va'ruun faction and the impact it could have had on the game's narrative.
Unveiling the Untapped Potential of House Va'ruun in Starfield


  • House Va'ruun offers a unique blend of spirituality and science in Starfield.
  • Joining the Va'ruun faction could have revealed hidden secrets and enriched the game experience.
  • Speculations arise on the potential revelations in the upcoming Starfield DLC, 'Shattered Space'.

The vast expanse of Settled Systems in Starfield is brimming with diverse factions, each with its own goals and beliefs. Whether aspiring to be space pioneers with the Freestar Collective or embracing a darker path with the Crimson Fleet, players can enjoy unique perks and delve deeper into the rich history of the universe.

Among these factions, House Va'ruun stands out as a captivating enigma. While currently inaccessible for joining, its influence on the game's lore is profound. The missed opportunity to integrate players into the Va'ruun could have significantly altered the narrative of Starfield.

The Enigmatic House Va'ruun

Starfield explores the juxtaposition of science and spirituality, embodied by characters like Sarah Morgan and Matteo. For those intrigued by spiritual quests, House Va'ruun, with its devotion to the Great Serpent deity and emphasis on grav jumping, presents a compelling allure. This secretive faction, overseen by the Va'ruun High Council and led by Anasko Va'ruun, remains shrouded in mystery at its Jemison headquarters.

Serpent's Blessing in Character Creation

While players can opt to be serpent worshippers in the character creator, this choice does not grant access to Va'ruun society. Nonetheless, selecting this trait bestows a health and oxygen boost for four hours after each grav jump, proving advantageous for frequent travelers across the Settled Systems.

Potential Impact of Joinable Va'ruun House

Immersing players in House Va'ruun would unveil its secrets and intricacies, potentially revealing the elusive Va'ruun'kai homeworld's location. This engagement could illuminate the concept of grav jumping and its ties to the legendary Great Serpent, balancing the game's scientific and spiritual elements.

Anticipating Starfield's DLC

Bethesda's upcoming DLC, 'Shattered Space,' scheduled for a 2024 release, holds promise for addressing lingering questions surrounding the Va'ruun faction. By embracing this opportunity, the DLC could provide players with a deeper understanding of the enigmatic Va'ruun, enriching their exploration of the Settled Systems and its intricate history.