New Starfield Mod Revolutionizes Gameplay Experience

Discover the latest mod for Starfield that introduces exciting features and enhances gameplay elements.
New Starfield Mod Revolutionizes Gameplay Experience


  • Experience a revamped Starfield with mechs, farming, bio-domes, and advanced outposts.
  • Build consolidated colonies to streamline resource management across the galaxy.
  • Utilize powerful turrets, planetary defense weapons, and customizable biomes in the game.

A brand-new mod has emerged for PC players diving into the world of Starfield, offering a fresh array of features like mechs, farming, bio-domes, and expanded outposts, enriching the sci-fi RPG experience crafted by Bethesda. The mod's creator has ambitious plans to continually expand and enhance the Starfield mod in the future.

While many gamers have already dabbled in Starfield's outpost system, which allows for base construction to gather resources, upgrade ships, and craft essential components, there have been inherent limitations. Oftentimes, players find themselves juggling multiple outposts across the galaxy to access a variety of resources. However, a groundbreaking mod for Starfield has surfaced to streamline and elevate this aspect of the gameplay significantly.

Recently unveiled by TankGirl444 on April 7, the TGS Galactic Colonies Expanse stands out as a substantial "DLC-sized mod." It introduces the concept of 'colonies,' which offer a more intricate and centralized alternative to outposts, eliminating the need for scattered resources. This mod introduces a plethora of new buildings meticulously designed and prefabricated, along with a comprehensive farming system enabling users to cultivate, trade, and even raise livestock. The addition of farmable flora with unique lore enriches Starfield's crafting ecosystem.

Innovative Features: Mechs, Farming, and More

The Starfield mod brings a whole new dimension to gameplay by introducing mechs, previously forbidden in the Starfield universe, allowing players to craft and deploy them for outpost defense. Besides mechs, players can construct an arsenal of diverse turrets, including colossal 'superweapons' and planetary defense armaments like macro ballistic cannons and anti-ship lasers. Each addition comes with its own rich backstory, drawing inspiration from Starfield's Colony War lore. Additionally, players can now create custom biomes within expansive bio-domes, enabling the cultivation of lush environments on otherwise barren planets.

The modder emphasizes the ongoing development of the project, hinting at future enhancements such as an outpost-centric spaceport facilitating trade with cargo ships and merchants, terraforming capabilities, and more. Fans have also contributed practical mods, such as one enabling users to craft Starfield's regular ammo types, adding further depth to the gaming experience.