Seizing the Moment: Starfield's Shattered Space DLC

Exploring the potential for a special release date after a missed opportunity with Starfield's launch.
Seizing the Moment: Starfield's Shattered Space DLC


  • Starfield's delayed release on September 6, 2023, missed the chance to pay homage to Skyrim's iconic launch date of November 11.
  • The Shattered Space DLC for Starfield has the opportunity to revive the tradition of launching Bethesda games on November 11.
  • Bethesda's silence on Shattered Space's release date hints at a possible surprise or deliberate wait for a symbolic November 11 launch.

Bethesda's Starfield promises an immersive space exploration experience for players. Initially slated for a November 2022 release, the game faced delays and finally launched on September 6, 2023. This shift from its original symbolic release date held significance due to the historical launch of Skyrim on November 11, 2011, by Bethesda.

The upcoming Shattered Space DLC for Starfield presents an opportunity to revisit this homage. With limited information on its release date, fans speculate that aligning it with Starfield's intended launch date of November 11 could add a sentimental touch.

A Chance for Redemption: Perfecting the Release Date

Shattered Space's release date remains a mystery, fueling anticipation among players. Opting for a November 11 launch could not only honor Starfield's legacy but also establish a tradition for future Bethesda releases. This strategic move could resonate deeply with fans and the gaming community.

Embracing Tradition: The Inevitability of November 11

Bethesda's silence surrounding Shattered Space's release hints at a deliberate plan. Speculations suggest a surprise drop or a delayed announcement closer to a significant date. A November 11 launch for Shattered Space could fulfill the missed opportunity of Starfield's original release and set the stage for future Bethesda titles.

Choosing to associate Starfield and now Shattered Space with November 11 holds sentimental value for fans and Bethesda alike. As Skyrim continues to influence modern gaming, establishing a tradition around this iconic date would be a fitting homage. The potential excitement surrounding Shattered Space's release on this date is palpable, offering a chance for Bethesda to honor its past while shaping its future.