Starfield Community Pushes for Enhanced Quality of Life Feature

Starfield enthusiasts advocate for a minor game update to streamline a particular element, sparking discussions online.
Starfield Community Pushes for Enhanced Quality of Life Feature


  • Starfield players advocate for improvements to the planetary landing system for better navigation.
  • Bethesda plans significant updates in 2024, including quality-of-life enhancements and ship customization options.
  • Anticipation rises for the upcoming Shattered Space DLC featuring city maps and diverse difficulty levels.

Starfield fans are rallying for an enhancement to address a minor gameplay issue. Despite the anticipation following its release, the game has yet to receive the major updates promised by Bethesda, prompting players to seek solutions through Starfield mods.

Starfield, Bethesda's latest intellectual property, debuted on PC and Xbox Series X/S in September 2023 to critical acclaim. However, excitement has waned as players find limited activities post-main storyline completion. While the narrative received accolades for its quality, the space exploration aspect was deemed lacking depth.

On a Starfield subreddit thread, user MclovinTHCa proposed refining the planetary landing system to allow players to remove saved destinations. The current system permits multiple saved spots on a single planet, leading to clutter, particularly in popular locations. Many players echoed this sentiment, sharing instances where the abundance of saved destinations made it challenging to recall optimal spots. Despite a character perk offering detailed resource insights at specific landing areas, players noted its unreliability.

Upcoming Features for Starfield in 2024

  • Shattered Space DLC
  • City maps
  • Enhanced travel options
  • Expanded ship customization
  • Varied difficulty settings

In 2024, Starfield is poised for substantial growth. The impending Shattered Space DLC lacks a confirmed release date but has already captured fans' imaginations. Details on the DLC remain scarce, fueling speculation among players.

Bethesda's Starfield roadmap for the year includes significant game updates, ranging from quality-of-life enhancements like in-game city maps and enhanced ship customization to radical features such as new modes of interstellar travel and potentially challenging difficulty levels. While past patches focused on minor technical fixes, the rollout date for these new features remains unspecified, with Bethesda aiming for a 2024 release.