Starfield Community Upset by NPC Model Controversy

Starfield players voice frustration over discovered NPC model issue, sparking debate about game development quality.
Starfield Community Upset by NPC Model Controversy


  • Starfield community expresses disappointment over repetitive NPC models affecting missions and gameplay experience.
  • Criticism towards Bethesda's Starfield extends to procedural generation, travel mechanics, and now, identical child NPC designs in quests.
  • Debates arise among fans regarding Bethesda's attention to detail in Starfield and potential impact on the upcoming The Elder Scrolls 6.

Starfield players have raised concerns over what they perceive as a lack of attention to detail in the game, particularly regarding the reuse of identical NPC models across different missions. This issue has left many players frustrated, questioning the overall quality of Starfield's development.

As Bethesda's highly anticipated new IP after nearly a decade since Fallout 4, Starfield faced high expectations from the gaming community. While some players enjoyed the game, criticisms have surfaced, including the perceived emptiness of procedurally generated worlds, the reliance on a fast travel system for interplanetary travel, and the presence of bugs and glitches typical of Bethesda games. The recent discovery of identical child NPC models tied to separate side missions has added to the list of player grievances.

The revelation was initially brought to light by Reddit user JonBovi_0, who highlighted that NPCs Sona, Cora Coe, and Annie Wilcox share the exact same appearance despite their distinct roles in different quests. This oversight has been labeled as 'lazy' by some players, prompting discussions on how such a mistake could occur.

Reactions and Speculations

Players have pointed out that a simple alteration to the NPC models, such as changing their hair or textures, could have differentiated them effectively. Some speculate that time constraints during Starfield's development might have led to the reuse of these models without necessary modifications. On the other hand, defenders of Bethesda mention the vast scale of the game as a possible reason for such oversights, highlighting similarities to previous Bethesda titles like Skyrim.

Despite differing opinions, the NPC model controversy in Starfield has raised concerns about Bethesda's attention to detail and its implications for future releases, notably The Elder Scrolls 6. Fans are divided on whether these issues indicate a need for Bethesda to evolve its game development practices or if they are acceptable within the context of the studio's established game design principles.