Unveiling the Anticipated Updates for Starfield

Insights into the potential major updates for Starfield hinted by Todd Howard from Bethesda.
Unveiling the Anticipated Updates for Starfield


  • Director Todd Howard hints at significant updates for Starfield, keeping fans eagerly anticipating the specifics.
  • Speculations arise about possible ship building features, map enhancements, and the awaited Creation Kit in the upcoming update.
  • Fans can look forward to more details on the updates during the forthcoming Xbox showcase in June.

Exciting updates are on the horizon for Starfield following intriguing remarks made by Todd Howard, the game director at Bethesda. As the anticipation builds for the upcoming Starfield DLC, Shattered Space, Todd Howard teases a promising future for the sci-fi adventure.

Although Starfield was highly anticipated upon its release last year, it fell short of delivering the deep space exploration experience many had hoped for. While the general gameplay and world created by Bethesda for Starfield were captivating, criticisms about the game feeling outdated and featuring lifeless planets with little appeal hindered its full potential. However, upcoming updates hold the promise of injecting new life into Starfield.

Todd Howard Teases 'Exciting Updates' for Starfield

In a recent appearance on Kinda Funny, Todd Howard shed light on the future of Starfield, hinting at significant developments in the pipeline. Not only did he confirm the imminent release of the Shattered Space DLC in the fall of this year, but he also alluded to a major upcoming update.

Potential Contents of Starfield's Upcoming Update

During the Kinda Funny interview, Todd Howard provided insights into Bethesda's focus areas for updates throughout the year. From enhancements in ship building to resolving persistent issues within the game's framework, Howard openly discussed Bethesda's plans to enhance Starfield with incremental patches leading up to the Shattered Space release. However, details regarding the nature of the impending major update remained undisclosed.

Unveiling the Long-Awaited Creation Kit

Howard briefly touched upon the much-anticipated Creation Kit that fans have been eagerly awaiting. With a history of fostering a dedicated modding community, Bethesda aims to empower Starfield with its own vibrant group of modders through the Creation Kit. Although no specific release date was provided, Howard assured that it was in the works. The potential announcement could offer a detailed glimpse into the long-anticipated Creation Kit, signaling the official support for players to materialize their creative ideas.

Possible Revamp of Maps

Criticism has surfaced post Starfield's launch regarding the barren feel of its maps. Whether traversing distant planets or bustling cities, the map content lacks the immersive quality desired by players, a notable downside in the Starfield universe. In comparison to the vibrant Night City in Cyberpunk 2077, Starfield falls short in creating a lived-in world. Howard hinted at map improvements, but it remains uncertain if this will be part of the major update. With a cryptic statement, Howard mentioned, 'We redid the map stuff, so we have some city map stuff,' sparking curiosity among fans.

Excitement surrounds the upcoming Starfield update, as Todd Howard hints at something remarkable. While the release date for this update remains a mystery, the upcoming Xbox showcase in June presents an ideal platform for Bethesda to unveil groundbreaking news for Starfield.