Discover the Beauty of 10 Stunning Worlds in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Embark on a journey through the breathtaking planets of the Old Republic, each offering a unique and captivating experience in a galaxy far, far away.
Discover the Beauty of 10 Stunning Worlds in Star Wars: The Old Republic


  • Immerse yourself in diverse landscapes from the bustling city-planet of Coruscant to the mysterious Voss ruins.
  • Explore iconic Star Wars worlds like Hoth and Alderaan, where beauty and danger intertwine in captivating settings.
  • Uncover the allure of lesser-known planets like Zakuul and Voss, each with a rich history and distinctive architectural marvels.

Star Wars: The Old Republic provides an unparalleled Star Wars adventure with its multitude of engaging storylines catering to every player's preferences. In typical Star Wars fashion, players traverse a variety of planets throughout the game, each showcasing a unique design that highlights the galaxy's vastness and diversity.

Every planet in the game boasts distinct characteristics, ranging from harsh and unforgiving landscapes to visually stunning worlds that capture players' attention with their beauty and individuality.

10 Coruscant

The Futuristic City-Planet

Serving as the Galactic Republic's capital, Coruscant is a pinnacle of advanced technology within the Star Wars universe. This bustling metropolis stands out with its towering structures and a vibrant cityscape filled with flying vehicles, offering a stark contrast to the primitive planets of Tython and Ord Mantell.

The planet's allure lies in its futuristic aesthetic and the juxtaposition between the opulent upper levels and the perilous lower regions, creating a unique visual experience for players.

9 Zakuul

The Majestic Seat of the Eternal Empire

Zakuul, a planet steeped in unique history, emerges as a prominent addition to the Star Wars lore, boasting a distinctive architectural style and a rich cultural heritage under Emperor Valkorion's reign.

The grandiose Eternal City, reminiscent of Coruscant but with a bespoke Zakuulan flair, showcases architectural marvels adorned with silver and gold hues, embodying the splendor of the Eternal Empire.

8 Hoth

A Frozen Wasteland Steeped in History

Familiar to Star Wars enthusiasts for its pivotal role in Episode Five, Hoth serves as a battleground for the Republic and the Empire, offering a chilling backdrop of icy plains and remnants of past conflicts.

Despite its monotonous icy terrain, Hoth exudes a serene ambiance with occasional landmarks like ancient fortresses and wrecked ships, evoking a sense of mystery and grandeur.

7 Voss

An Enigmatic World of Clashing Cultures

Introducing a novel dimension to the Star Wars universe, Voss captivates with its mystical ambiance and enigmatic inhabitants, the Force-sensitive Voss, who fiercely guard their neutrality amidst warring factions.

The picturesque Voss landscape, adorned with autumnal forests and ancient ruins, offers ample exploration opportunities, including the haunting Dark Heart region, where nature's decay creates a uniquely alluring atmosphere.

6 Dromund Kaas

A Realm of Shadows Amidst Sith Dominion

Dromund Kaas, the Sith Empire's dark heart, offers a stark contrast to Coruscant, entwining players in a grim atmosphere resonant with Imperial grandeur and ancient Sith mystique.

Beyond the city's imposing architecture lies a lush jungle teeming with wildlife and hidden secrets, shrouded in perpetual storms and crackling lightning, epitomizing the planet's ominous allure.

5 Yavin 4

Untamed Wilds Steeped in Dark History

Yavin 4, a moon suffused with the dark side's essence, beckons players with its lush jungles and ancient Sith temples, serving as a pivotal setting for confronting dark legacies and formidable foes.

The moon's haunting beauty is accentuated by its crimson skies and eerie moonscape, encapsulating a sense of foreboding and corruption that defines the enigmatic allure of Yavin 4.

4 Tython

Birthplace of Jedi Tradition

Tython, the sacred refuge of the Jedi Order, embodies tranquility and wisdom amidst its verdant landscapes, serving as a sanctuary for Jedi teachings and contemplation.

Enveloped by serene forests, cascading waterfalls, and majestic mountains, Tython's natural splendor harmonizes with the Jedi temple nestled amidst the peaks, offering a serene retreat for aspiring Jedi.

3 Makeb

Paradise Lost to Turmoil

Once a galactic paradise, Makeb's idyllic existence succumbed to chaos with the Hutt Cartel's onslaught, transforming the serene world into a battleground engulfed in cataclysmic upheaval.

Despite the turmoil, Makeb's ethereal beauty endures, with floating isles and verdant landscapes exuding a sense of liberation and tranquility, making it a captivating haven amidst the chaos.

2 Onderon

Pristine Wilderness Teeming with Life

Onderon, a lush world teeming with exotic wildlife and unspoiled wilderness, beckons players with its tropical landscapes and untamed beauty, offering a sanctuary for adventurers and nature enthusiasts.

From dense jungles to hidden caverns housing indigenous tribes, Onderon's uncharted terrain provides a rich tapestry for exploration, inviting players to immerse themselves in a vibrant ecosystem brimming with life.

1 Alderaan

Elegance Amidst Conflict

Renowned for its tragic fate in A New Hope, Alderaan emerges as a beacon of beauty amidst turmoil in SWTOR, showcasing serene forests, snow-capped peaks, and vast expanses that epitomize its noble heritage.

With its picturesque landscapes and tranquil skies, Alderaan stands as a testament to grace and grandeur, rightfully claiming its title as the crown jewel among the stunning worlds of SWTOR.