Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Refines Dark Souls 2's Covetous Demon

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor takes the unremarkable Covetous Demon from Dark Souls 2 and enhances it with Bilemaw creatures.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Refines Dark Souls 2's Covetous Demon


  • Star Wars Jedi games draw heavily from Soulslike games, creating a unique feel within the Star Wars universe.
  • Survivor offers a more dynamic and challenging experience with its bosses and enemies.
  • Survivor cleverly repurposes the attack pattern of Dark Souls 2's Covetous Demon for its Bilemaw creatures, giving players an advantage if they are familiar with the boss.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor take inspiration from Soulslike games, making them stand out as authentic Star Wars games. In Fallen Order, players encounter the Second Sister multiple times, engaging in battles where her health is only reduced to predetermined percentages before the fight is interrupted or cut short. Similar to Soulslike games, each boss or regular enemy in Star Wars Jedi requires players to learn to parry, dodge, and counter their telegraphed attacks.

Transitioning back to Fallen Order after playing Survivor may feel challenging due to the stark contrast in gameplay dynamics. Survivor provides a more engaging experience with its extensive range of bosses and enemies, while Fallen Order may seem slower and less eventful in comparison. Players with a strong grasp of other Soulslike games, particularly FromSoftware’s Dark Souls 2, will find Survivor particularly rewarding.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Adapts Dark Souls 2’s Covetous Demon

Many Dark Souls 2 Bosses are Elementary, and Covetous Demon is One of Its Most Unmemorable

Dark Souls 2 features numerous bosses, some of which are challenging to encounter in a blind playthrough. Unlike other Soulslike games, the regions in Dark Souls 2 are often more difficult than the bosses within them. Boss fights in Dark Souls 2 can be simplistic and straightforward, requiring careful approaches to succeed.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Repurposes Covetous’ Move Set to Great Effect

Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that Survivor’s Bilemaw creatures closely resemble the move set of Dark Souls 2’s Covetous Demon. The attack patterns of the Bilemaw creatures bear a striking resemblance to those of the Covetous Demon, providing players with a significant advantage if they are familiar with the boss from Dark Souls 2.

Players can encounter the formidable Bilemaw creatures multiple times, and their prior knowledge of Covetous’ move set equips them with a valuable advantage in facing the Bilemaws in Survivor. Despite its similarities, the Bilemaw in Survivor presents a fiercer and more aggressive challenge compared to the Covetous Demon in Dark Souls 2's Earthen Peak.