Discovering the Hidden Ahsoka Tano Detail in Star Wars Rebels

Unveiling a secret connection in Star Wars Rebels involving Ahsoka Tano that has fans amazed at their oversight.
Discovering the Hidden Ahsoka Tano Detail in Star Wars Rebels


  • Ahsoka's callsign in Star Wars Rebels has finally caught the attention of fans, linking it to her facial markings.
  • Fans are amused by Vader's failure to recognize Ahsoka's covert identity despite the obvious clues.
  • The irony of Ahsoka using Anakin's old callsign and frequency in the Clone Wars adds depth to Vader's ignorance.

Star Wars enthusiasts have recently uncovered a subtle yet significant detail concerning Ahsoka Tano in the animated series Star Wars Rebels, prompting them to question why they didn't notice it earlier. But hey, missing such an obvious connection is forgivable; after all, some people still overlook the political nuances in Dune.

In this instance, the revelation revolves around a particular symbol that many Star Wars fans immediately recognized as meaningful. At this juncture in Star Wars Rebels, the focus remained primarily on the core cast of characters, such as Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Zeb, and the endearing droid Chopper. While some fans reveled in the new content, others eagerly awaited references or callbacks.

Fortunately, a communication from the enigmatic Fulcrum hinted at just that. Surprisingly, some viewers failed to grasp Fulcrum's true identity from the moment the call commenced. User NikolaiOlsen on the Star Wars Rebels subreddit recently shared their delayed realization that Fulcrum's visual callsign closely resembled one of Ahsoka Tano's facial markings, essentially uncovering her secret role for those familiar with her character.

Fans on the forum expressed a mix of empathy and amusement, acknowledging the delayed