Fan's Unique Defense of Palpatine's Return in Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

A Reddit user challenges the criticism surrounding the controversial return of Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars sequel trilogy.
Fan's Unique Defense of Palpatine's Return in Star Wars Sequel Trilogy


  • A Reddit user provides a thought-provoking defense for Palpatine's return in The Rise of Skywalker.
  • The argument revolves around Palpatine's history and ability to cheat death, offering a new perspective on the character's resurrection.
  • While some fans support this view, others believe Palpatine's return undermines crucial sacrifices and victories from the original trilogy.

Star Wars' sequel trilogy has faced significant backlash from fans, but a social media user has taken a unique stance by defending a controversial plot point from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Fans have long criticized the prequel trilogy, with the sequel trilogy becoming a new target for scrutiny after Disney's acquisition. Throughout its release and beyond, the sequel trilogy was met with mixed reviews, with certain moments drawing particular ridicule.

One such moment involves the return of Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, a move that sparked memes and fan mockery. However, Reddit user Norman_debris recently challenged this criticism on r/StarWars with a post titled “Palpatine's resurrection makes perfect sense.”

Norman_debris argued that Palpatine's return was not as baseless as perceived, citing his offer to teach Anakin the power to cheat death as a crucial plot point. The user questioned why it was surprising that Palpatine could return, given his extensive Force abilities and Sith knowledge related to immortality.

While some fans supported this defense, others pointed out that Palpatine's return could diminish the sacrifices made by characters like Anakin and Luke in the original trilogy. The debate raised questions about the plausibility of Palpatine's return and the overall reception of the sequel trilogy.

Despite differing opinions, the discussion highlights the divisive nature of the sequel trilogy and its impact on the Star Wars fandom. Whether fans embrace or reject these narrative choices, the franchise continues to evolve with new content and collaborations, such as Star Wars' presence in Fortnite and upcoming developments in the franchise.

For those interested, the Star Wars franchise is available for streaming on Disney+.

Source: Norman_debris/Reddit