Star Wars Outlaws: Nix Companion's Fate Hangs in the Balance

Excitement surrounds Star Wars Outlaws, poised to innovate in one aspect, but at a potentially steep price.
Star Wars Outlaws: Nix Companion's Fate Hangs in the Balance


  • Star Wars Outlaws introduces Nix, a pivotal companion, challenging the tradition of safe mascot companions in the Star Wars universe.
  • The decision to kill off Nix in the game could redefine the safety expectations for future mascot characters, impacting Kay Vess' journey.
  • While fans may prefer Nix to survive, his demise would be a bold move, disrupting norms and potentially shaping Kay's character development.

Star Wars Outlaws has generated immense anticipation with its intriguing premise, compelling protagonist, and innovative gameplay elements. Positioned to stand out within the Star Wars gaming universe, the game's unique features, like immediate land-to-space travel, promise an unparalleled experience.

Set between two original trilogy films, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Outlaws offers a fresh perspective on the iconic galaxy. Protagonist Kay Vess, accompanied by the endearing Nix, ventures into uncharted narrative territory, adding a new dimension to the Star Wars saga.

The Dilemma of Nix's Fate in Star Wars Outlaws

Challenging the Safety of Mascot Companions

Nix's inclusion as Kay's companion introduces a narrative twist with gameplay implications. While Nix's character parallels the beloved Yoda, the decision to potentially eliminate Nix conflicts with the established safety of mascot companions in Star Wars lore.

Star Wars Outlaws treads new ground by considering Nix's mortality, a departure from the franchise's tradition of preserving mascot characters. Unlike enduring figures like R2-D2 or BB-8, Nix's fate hangs precariously in the balance.

Impact of Nix's Demise on Star Wars Outlaws

Redefining Expectations for Mascot Companions

The prospect of Nix's demise challenges the convention of safeguarding mascot companions, potentially reshaping future character narratives. While preserving Nix aligns with fan expectations, his death would defy norms, injecting unpredictability into Kay Vess' journey and character evolution.

By subverting the anticipated narrative trajectory, Star Wars Outlaws has the opportunity to elevate storytelling by navigating uncharted emotional territories, presenting a daring and impactful narrative choice.