Navigating the Narrative Challenges in Star Wars Outlaws with Kay Vess

Crafting Kay Vess as a genuine protagonist in Star Wars Outlaws requires avoiding the pitfalls faced by Rey in the controversial sequel trilogy.
Navigating the Narrative Challenges in Star Wars Outlaws with Kay Vess


  • Focusing on Kay Vess as a standalone character in the Star Wars universe
  • Exploring the risks of tying Kay Vess to established Star Wars icons
  • Embracing originality and individuality in character development

When comparing Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws to Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi series, one significant difference stands out – the timeline within the Star Wars universe. While Star Wars Jedi takes place shortly after The Revenge of the Sith, featuring a post-Order 66 world, Outlaws is positioned between The Empire Strikes Back and The Return of the Jedi. This setting offers Ubisoft more opportunities to engage with iconic Star Wars elements without being confined by existing storylines.

In the Star Wars universe, Cal Kestis from Jedi has been celebrated as an original character. The hope is that Kay Vess in Outlaws will receive similar treatment. As of now, Kay appears to be a fresh scoundrel character, unburdened by any predetermined connections to established figures. It is crucial for her development to maintain this independence to avoid the pitfalls of turning her into a nostalgic prop, a fate that befell Rey in the sequel trilogy.

Reframing Character Origins: Learning from Rey's Narrative

Rey's storyline in the sequel trilogy exemplifies the dangers of complicating a character's background unnecessarily. Originally introduced as a promising scavenger on Jakku, Rey's journey became entangled with her lineage, leading to unsatisfying revelations and a loss of her individuality. The abrupt decision in The Rise of Skywalker to link Rey to Sheev Palpatine further eroded her unique identity, culminating in her adoption of the Skywalker name.

Preserving Kay Vess' Autonomy in Star Wars Outlaws

Similar to Rey, Kay Vess faces the risk of losing her distinctiveness if her story becomes entwined with familiar Star Wars figures solely for fan recognition. To ensure Kay remains a compelling character, Ubisoft must resist the temptation to tether her to existing icons. By keeping Kay's past shrouded in mystery and focusing on her present journey, the game can maintain her enigmatic allure and allow players to shape her interactions within the game's expansive world.