The Gender Controversy in Star Wars Outlaws: A Closer Look

Exploring the divisive reception of Star Wars Outlaws amidst gender-related criticisms.
The Gender Controversy in Star Wars Outlaws: A Closer Look


  • Star Wars Outlaws is generating excitement for action-adventure enthusiasts and Star Wars fans.
  • Certain gamers are sparking controversy by objecting to diversity in gaming, perpetuating sexist stereotypes.
  • Criticism of female characters in video games reveals a lack of critical thinking and fosters a negative gaming environment.

Star Wars Outlaws, the upcoming release from Ubisoft Massive, promises an exciting experience for fans of Star Wars and action-adventure games. While the game garners optimism, a dark cloud looms over discussions due to sexist and reactionary backlash online.

The online gaming community is witnessing a rise in polarizing rhetoric, fueled by hate rather than constructive criticism. Terms like 'wokeness' and 'forced inclusivity' are weaponized to criticize games featuring diverse characters. Unfortunately, Star Wars Outlaws is the latest target of such scrutiny.

Unwarranted Criticism of Female Characters

Debates over female character designs are not new. Games like Horizon Forbidden West and Fable faced unjustified backlash over their protagonists' appearances. The scrutiny often targets perceived physical shortcomings, perpetuating toxic stereotypes.

Sexism in Gaming Criticism

The portrayal of Kay Vess in Star Wars Outlaws has sparked a fresh wave of sexist criticism. Attacks on her appearance, compared to the actress she's modeled after, highlight a troubling trend in gaming discourse.

While character modeling based on real people is common practice, the disproportionate focus on female characters' looks undermines the creative process. Criticisms of characters like Kay Vess reveal a double standard in the industry.

Challenging Sexist Narratives in Gaming

The relentless scrutiny of female characters' appearances reflects deeper issues within the gaming community. Demanding unrealistic beauty standards for female characters perpetuates harmful stereotypes and detracts from the creative merits of the games.

As the industry strives for inclusivity, combating sexism in gaming remains a crucial endeavor. Criticisms rooted in sexism not only harm the gaming community but also hinder the progress towards a more diverse and accepting gaming landscape.