Star Wars Outlaws Takes a Risk with Han Solo's Storyline

The appearance of the iconic Han Solo in multiple trailers for Star Wars Outlaws might hint at a deeper involvement in the narrative.
Star Wars Outlaws Takes a Risk with Han Solo's Storyline


  • Han Solo's presence in Star Wars Outlaws suggests a substantial narrative role beyond a mere cameo.
  • Speculations propose scenarios where Han Solo could be temporarily thawed from carbonite to aid protagonist Kay Vess in a heist before being refrozen.
  • Han Solo's inclusion in the storyline could serve as a cautionary element for Kay Vess, highlighting the peril of antagonizing powerful entities in the galaxy.

Ubisoft has recently unveiled a fresh story trailer for Star Wars Outlaws, featuring the appearance of a familiar face. However, this isn't the first time this character has graced the trailers for Star Wars Outlaws. The character in focus is none other than the rogue-turned-hero Han Solo.

Han Solo, a prominent figure in the Star Wars universe, initially emerged in the classic film A New Hope. His presence in the Outlaws trailers aligns with his narrative of being encased in carbonite between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. With Han Solo making appearances in two distinct trailers for the game, it raises the possibility that his role might transcend a mere cameo, which could lead to unforeseen outcomes.

Han Solo's Potential Significance in Star Wars Outlaws

Han Solo's Dual Trailer Appearances

Among all the trailers released for Star Wars Outlaws thus far, a carbonite-frozen Han Solo has been featured twice. This sparks speculation on whether Han Solo holds more importance than initially perceived. While his initial trailer presence hinted at a brief cameo, his recent appearance in the story trailer suggests a more substantial role.

The nature of his role remains ambiguous, leaving room for varied interpretations, ranging from a cautionary symbol for protagonist Kay Vess to a potential unexpected twist. Regardless, Han Solo's involvement in Star Wars Outlaws seems inevitable, even if he only appears prominently in his frozen state.

Could Han Solo be Thawed and Re-frozen in the Plot of Star Wars Outlaws?

One theoretical storyline involving Han Solo entails his temporary release from carbonite to assist Kay Vess in her heist endeavors, only to be refrozen by the game's conclusion, aligning with the events of Return of the Jedi.

However, this narrative direction might not resonate well with fans of the original trilogy due to potential alterations to the franchise's lore. Preserving Han Solo's iconic status may be crucial, making any storyline involving him a delicate balance. If Star Wars Outlaws pursues this narrative path, it must do so sensibly to maintain the integrity of the original trilogy.

Han Solo's Role in Shaping the Narrative of Star Wars Outlaws

Another perspective on Han Solo's role in Star Wars Outlaws revolves around using him as a thematic device to motivate Kay Vess to succeed in her heist and avoid the perils of pursuit. In the Star Wars universe, bounty hunters often freeze their captures in carbonite as trophies, reminiscent of Han Solo's ordeal before his rescue.

The story trailer introduces Sliro as the primary antagonist in Star Wars Outlaws, putting a bounty on Kay Vess. If Sliro mirrors Jabba the Hutt, he might exhibit captured adversaries as a warning. Consequently, Han Solo could symbolize a cautionary tale and inspiration for Kay Vess, steering her away from a similar fate.

Leveraging Han Solo's imagery and character should enhance the narrative depth of Outlaws rather than relying solely on nostalgia. Regardless of Han Solo's role, his appearance in Star Wars Outlaws promises a nostalgic delight for fans of the original trilogy.