Unveiling the Mystery of Cantonica in Star Wars Outlaws

Get ready for an in-depth look at the planet Cantonica, set to make a reappearance in the upcoming game Star Wars Outlaws.
Unveiling the Mystery of Cantonica in Star Wars Outlaws


  • Star Wars Outlaws will feature five planets, including both iconic locations like Tatooine and original ones like Toshara.
  • Cantonica, a planet seen in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, will also be included in Star Wars Outlaws, potentially serving as a meeting place or site for a heist.
  • Cantonica was once a desolate wasteland but transformed into the luxury resort city of Canto Bight, attracting both wealthy tourists and war profiteers during the First Order-Resistance War.

The Star Wars universe is teeming with iconic destinations, providing a rich tapestry for its video games to draw inspiration from. It has become customary for Star Wars media to incorporate classic planets while introducing original ones, and the trend continues with Star Wars Outlaws.

With five planets confirmed for Star Wars Outlaws, including familiar locations like Tatooine and lesser-known ones such as Kijimi and Akiva, there's also the addition of the enigmatic Cantonica, a planet that has intrigued fans despite limited on-screen exposure.

Delving into Star Wars Outlaws' Cantonica Planet

Cantonica's Role in the First Order-Resistance War

Cantonica made its mark in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, serving as the backdrop for the movie's C-plot. The planet had earlier been featured in The Legends of Luke Skywalker novel, but its on-screen prominence brought it into the spotlight. In the film, it became the rendezvous point for Finn and Rose in their quest to find a Master Codebreaker amidst the escalating conflict between the Resistance and the First Order.

Initially a desolate wasteland, Cantonica lay within the Corporate Sector of the Star Wars galaxy, attracting smugglers and outlaws seeking refuge from the law. However, as its reputation spread, the planet experienced a surge in population and infrastructure. Over time, its criminal hideouts evolved into opulent establishments, culminating in the opulent resort city of Canto Bight.

While Canto Bight became a playground for the affluent, it also lured war profiteers who capitalized on the ongoing First Order-Resistance War, dealing in arms and ships to both factions.

The Potential Role of Cantonica in Star Wars Outlaws

Set between Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, Star Wars Outlaws is poised to depict Cantonica during the zenith of its luxury transformation, offering various possibilities for its involvement in the game. It could serve as the meeting point for a wealthy patron, potentially kickstarting the grand heist orchestrated by Kay Vess. Alternatively, Canto Bight might be the very stage for this audacious heist, given its perpetual opulence. Regardless of its role, Cantonica's potential remains largely untapped, making its return a highly anticipated aspect of the game.