Star Wars Outlaws: An Analysis of Its Impact on the Canon Franchise Lore

Exploring the challenges and potential limitations faced by Star Wars Outlaws in expanding the franchise universe.
Star Wars Outlaws: An Analysis of Its Impact on the Canon Franchise Lore


  • Star Wars Outlaws encounters hurdles in innovation due to its canonical placement, restricting its ability to grow the franchise.
  • The specific timeline setting and limited context may hinder Outlaws' potential influence within the Star Wars universe.
  • Despite its unique premise, Outlaws' positioning between significant events constrains its capacity to shape galactic history significantly.

Excitement surrounds Star Wars Outlaws, but underlying issues loom. Positioned within Disney's Star Wars canon, the game faces challenges in breaking new ground for the series.

Ubisoft's upcoming open-world Star Wars title stirred controversy with pricey pre-order editions and gated content. Amid these concerns, a silver lining emerges with the August 30 release date reveal in the story trailer. However, its impact within the franchise's timeline remains a question mark.

Star Wars Outlaws' Timeline Placement Limits Potential

Star Wars Outlaws not only grapples with costly editions but also its setting between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Focused on the criminal underworld during the Galactic Civil War's sidelines, the game has a narrow window to explore, hindering its ability to innovate.

Challenges in Meeting Franchise Expectations

The current Star Wars landscape offers room for experimentation, with projects like 'The Acolyte' venturing into uncharted territories. In contrast, Star Wars Outlaws occupies a precarious space, sandwiched between pivotal franchise milestones, restricting its narrative impact.

While inter-trilogy eras possess storytelling potential, Outlaws lacks the freedom to influence significant galactic events, unlike other periods extensively explored in Disney's Star Wars content.

Turning Weak Stakes into Worldbuilding Strengths

Despite its challenges, Star Wars Outlaws can leverage its intimate narrative to offer a fresh perspective. A departure from grandiose plots could rejuvenate the franchise, as seen with the success of 'Andor' in delivering a grounded storyline.

The game's portrayal of diverse landscapes hints at a broader universe, countering the repetitive presence of iconic characters. While Jabba's role raises concerns about overused tropes, developers must balance nostalgia with originality to enrich the game's narrative.