Cal Kestis and His Ongoing Struggle Against Darth Vader in the Star Wars Jedi Series

Find out how Cal Kestis's battles with Darth Vader continue to shape the Star Wars Jedi series and whether a lightsaber duel can provide him with the closure he seeks.
Cal Kestis and His Ongoing Struggle Against Darth Vader in the Star Wars Jedi Series


  • Cal Kestis stands out as an unconventional Jedi, making him a captivating character in the Star Wars universe.
  • In the Star Wars Jedi series, Cal's life is at a crossroads, with the looming threat of Darth Vader presenting a constant challenge.
  • While a showdown between Cal and Darth Vader could be emotionally satisfying, it may not align with the series' canonical storyline and might not significantly impact the overall narrative.

The character of Cal Kestis has made a significant impact on the Star Wars universe, largely due to his portrayal as a unique Jedi. Cal's instincts often deviate from those of a typical Jedi, and despite his initial desire to rebuild the Jedi Order, he eventually realizes that he may be the only Force user and lightsaber wielder on his mission to restore hope in the galaxy. Currently, Cal's life stands at an intriguing juncture in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, with numerous loose ends resolved, but one major threat still lingering.

The struggle to overthrow the Galactic Empire and the seeming insignificance of Cal's role in that endeavor became a compelling theme in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. On one hand, Cal's journey has always been grounded in grassroots efforts, and it appears futile for him to make a significant impact now. On the other hand, Cal's absence from other Star Wars canonical works suggests that his actions cannot have far-reaching consequences. Nonetheless, it seems that the sequel to Survivor might be building toward a climactic duel between Cal and Darth Vader, offering emotional satisfaction but potentially disrupting the series' canon.

Cal’s Tragedies Stem from Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine

Vader is Responsible for All of Cal’s Suffering in the Star Wars Jedi Franchise

The reason for Cal's deviation from the typical Jedi path stems from the eradication of the Jedi Order and the murder of his Master, events largely attributed to Anakin Skywalker. While it was a group of clone troopers who ultimately killed the formidable Jedi Jaro Tapal wielding a double-bladed lightsaber, Anakin's fall to the dark side enabled Sheev Palpatine's Order 66 to succeed, with Anakin leading an assault on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Anakin's actions forced Cal into hiding as a refugee and led to the murder of Prauf in Fallen Order, followed by the death of Trilla Suduri in front of Cal and her former Master. Remarkably, Respawn restrained from offering Darth Vader as a straightforward boss fight, instead creating a tense escape sequence that defied players' expectations.

Cal Doesn’t Necessarily Need to Confront Vader, and Doing So Wouldn’t Alter the Outcome

To assert that Cal is the sole individual whose life was profoundly affected by Darth Vader would be fallacious. Cere Junda's perspective on the Jedi was shattered when she failed to protect her Padawan, and although she eventually found redemption and returned to her Jedi path with resolve, she came close to delivering a fatal blow to Darth Vader, achieving a sense of closure in Survivor.

In many ways, Star Wars Jedi effectively conveyed this sense of closure through Cere's viewpoint, making it redundant for Cal to pursue Darth Vader for multiple reasons. Firstly, Cal cannot eliminate Darth Vader, given the established lore and continuity that predated his appearance in the Star Wars Jedi series. Furthermore, Cal has never directed his anger toward Darth Vader, making it seemingly arbitrary to do so in a potential third game. Reintroducing Darth Vader for a third encounter would also feel repetitive, as the franchise continuously relies on his iconic status. While Darth Vader's formidable presence should persist in any Star Wars media set during this era, Cal no longer needs to concern himself with Anakin, and Respawn would not benefit from staging another lightsaber clash between them.