The Legend Continues: 7 Historic Jedi Trials in Star Wars

Jedi Trials are pivotal in the journey to becoming a powerful Jedi, each unique and iconic in the Star Wars saga.
The Legend Continues: 7 Historic Jedi Trials in Star Wars


  • Jedi Trials are essential for a Jedi's growth, testing their courage, flesh, insight, skill, and spirit.
  • After a training accident, Tenel Ka Djo rejects a prosthetic arm, choosing to adapt and train better.
  • Ahsoka Tano leaves the Jedi Order after being wrongly accused, opting to forge her own path.

In the expansive Star Wars universe, powerful Jedi are not just born; they are forged through their Jedi Trials. These Trials are a crucial step in a Jedi Padawan's training, designed to push them to become Jedi Knights and eventually Masters.

Each Star Wars Jedi Trial is unique, tailored to the individual, and rooted in five core principles: Courage, Flesh, Insight, Skill, and Spirit. Unlike conventional military tests, Jedi Trials often take a metaphorical approach, considering the Jedi's personal experiences.

7 Tenel Ka Djo

Embracing Loss and Adaptation

Apprentice Tenel Ka Djo, heir of the Hapes Consortium, faced a defining Trial when a training session led to the loss of her limb. Rather than opting for a prosthetic replacement, she chose to hone her skills and adapt to her loss, showcasing resilience and determination.

6 Galen Marek

Choosing a New Path

Trained by Darth Vader, Galen Marek's pivotal Trial of the Spirit led him to confront his destiny. A vision at the Jedi Temple prompted him to question his allegiance and ultimately reject his master, embracing a new purpose.

5 Padawan Anakin Skywalker

Becoming a Symbol of Hope

Anakin Skywalker's Trial unfolded during the Clone Wars, where his bravery and unconventional methods made him a symbol of hope. His unwavering determination and strategic prowess set him apart, earning him the rank of Jedi Knight.

4 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Mastering the Art of Defense

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Trial of the Flesh showcased his mastery of the Soresu form, enabling him to triumph over Darth Maul. This pivotal trial not only solidified his skills but also shaped his future as a Jedi.

3 Luke Skywalker

Confronting Self-Doubt

Luke Skywalker's Trial of the Spirit manifested as a vision, challenging him to confront his inner darkness. Overcoming self-doubt, he realized the true strength of a Jedi lies in overcoming personal struggles, ultimately leading to his pivotal role in redeeming his father.

2 Knight Anakin Skywalker

Navigating a Dark Prophecy

Anakin Skywalker's Trial of the Spirit unfolded through a haunting vision, foretelling a dark future. This pivotal trial not only tested his resolve but also foreshadowed the challenges that lay ahead, shaping his journey as a Jedi.

1 Ahsoka Tano

Forging Her Own Path

Ahsoka Tano's Trial extended beyond the traditional trials, testing her faith in the Jedi Order. After being wrongly accused, she chose to follow her own path, embodying the resilience and independence that defined her journey as a Jedi.