Star Wars Jedi: Which Jedi Should Star in Their Own Video Games

Exploring lesser-known Jedi characters for immersive gaming experiences
Star Wars Jedi: Which Jedi Should Star in Their Own Video Games


  • Discover the untold stories of Jedi like Mace Windu and Kit Fisto through dedicated video games.
  • Immerse yourself in the rich histories of characters like Yaddle and Ahsoka Tano in story-driven gaming experiences.
  • Experience Count Dooku's intriguing journey from Jedi to Sith in a choice-based video game narrative.

Delving into the vast Star Wars universe, Jedi have always been a captivating aspect for fans. These wielders of the Force, once the guardians of peace, faced near extinction during the reign of the Empire. With Luke Skywalker reinstating the Jedi order and passing on the legacy to Rey, a new chapter of Jedi adventures awaits.

While iconic Jedi like Luke Skywalker and Yoda have had their tales expanded in various media, there are lesser-known Jedi whose stories remain untold. It's time to shine the spotlight on a few overlooked Jedi for their own gaming adventures.

7 Yaddle

A Mysterious Council Member

Yaddle, a familiar face from the Jedi council in The Phantom Menace, shares the same enigmatic species as Yoda. Despite minimal information on Yoda's race, the idea of exploring Yaddle's homeworld in an open-world video game presents an intriguing opportunity to venture into uncharted Jedi territories.

6 Kit Fisto

An Aquatic Jedi Warrior

Kit Fisto, a powerful Jedi seen briefly in the prequels, possesses a unique ability to breathe underwater due to his alien heritage. Imagine a game centered around this era of Jedi dominance, where players can dive into unexplored realms of the galaxy.

5 Mace Windu

The Jedi Order's Leader

As the former head of the Jedi Order, Mace Windu's journey from a skilled warrior to a respected leader offers a compelling narrative for a video game. Exploring his past, survival speculations, and the Jedi's role during galactic shifts could provide a fresh gaming experience.

4 Rey

The Last Jedi

Rey's transition from a scavenger to a pivotal figure in the Resistance remains a mystery. A game bridging the gap between episodes could unveil her training, growth, and the galaxy's perception of the last Jedi, shedding light on the final battle's unity.

3 Kyle Katarn

A Legendary Jedi

Kyle Katarn, a prominent figure from the non-canon era, holds a unique backstory of survival and heroism. Bringing this Jedi into the canon through a video game could reintroduce fans to his thrilling adventures and moral dilemmas.

2 Count Dooku

A Jedi's Descent into Darkness

Count Dooku's transformation from a revered Jedi to a Sith Lord unveils a captivating storyline. An interactive game exploring his Jedi days and pivotal choices leading to his fall could offer players a compelling narrative experience.

1 Ahsoka Tano

The Resilient Padawan

Ahsoka Tano, a standout Jedi from the animated series, carries a legacy of resilience and mentorship. Her versatile timeline within the Star Wars universe presents endless gaming possibilities, allowing developers to craft immersive adventures across different eras and galaxies.