Why Taking Away Cal's Lightsaber Could Enhance the Star Wars Jedi Gameplay

Exploring the potential benefits of having Cal Kestis without his trademark lightsaber in the Star Wars Jedi franchise
Why Taking Away Cal's Lightsaber Could Enhance the Star Wars Jedi Gameplay


  • Balancing satisfying gameplay while maintaining player progression is a challenge unique to the narrative-driven action-adventure game of Star Wars Jedi franchise
  • Temporarily removing Cal's lightsaber could add dynamism and enhance combat features, providing an intriguing and strategic gameplay experience
  • Cal's ability to survive without his lightsaber, relying on his Force abilities and a blaster pistol, could pave the way for a fresh and engaging combat dynamic

Every new installment in a franchise faces the challenge of improving gameplay without making players overpowered from the start. While traditional Soulslike games start with punishing deaths and limited resources, the Star Wars Jedi franchise has the added complexity of being a narrative-driven action-adventure game. With the release of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the task of iterating and enhancing gameplay has become more challenging.

Respawn, the game's developer, has the opportunity to introduce new lightsaber stances or further refine existing ones. However, an intriguing approach to gameplay dynamics could involve temporarily removing Cal's lightsaber. While lightsaber combat is integral to the franchise, this move could breathe new life into the Star Wars Jedi experience.

Exploring a New Gameplay Dynamic

Seeing Cal Unleash His Skills Without a Lightsaber

In both Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Cal's initial moments do not involve brandishing his lightsaber immediately. This approach added depth to the gameplay experience and could be expanded upon further by exploring scenarios where Cal is without his iconic weapon.

For example, in Fallen Order, there is a significant gameplay sequence where Cal is separated from his lightsaber and must navigate challenges using only his Force abilities. This established that Cal is capable of operating without his lightsaber, setting the stage for a potential new gameplay direction.

Adapting to a New Combat Style

While the idea of Cal being stripped of his lightsaber cannot be seen as a mere gimmick, it presents an opportunity for players to witness a different side of Cal's combat abilities. Relying solely on his Force powers and a blaster pistol would require a shift in gameplay strategy, potentially offering a more challenging and strategic combat experience.

Exploring this avenue could lead to exciting gameplay scenarios where players must balance offensive and defensive tactics without the reliance on the lightsaber. Additionally, the use of a blaster pistol could introduce a new dynamic to the combat system, providing an alternative to traditional lightsaber combat.