The Fate of Ilum in the Star Wars Universe

Discover how this frozen world, once a sacred Jedi site, suffered under the Empire's rule.
The Fate of Ilum in the Star Wars Universe


  • Ilum was known for its rare, force-sensitive kyber crystals, essential for constructing Jedi lightsabers.
  • The Empire exploited Ilum's resources, using its kyber crystals to power the Death Star's planet-destroying lasers.
  • The First Order surpassed the Empire's cruelty, repurposing Ilum's core to construct the Starkiller Base, a superweapon that consumed the planet.

Star Wars planets are often designed as interesting battlefields first and real locations second. While Tatooine's Mos Eisley Cantina delivered one of the most textured and compelling sets in sci-fi history, Hoth mostly felt like an excuse to fight in the snow. One of the franchise's most critical planets went unmentioned in most of the nine films, but Ilum's entrance into most Star Wars fans' consciousness came with a bang.

A Jedi's life is rarely easy. Their first memories tend to involve being taken from their parents by men in cloaks. They spend years training to master their superpowers and lethal weapons. Their final test requires finding their true self buried deep within while they're barely teenagers. They hardly get to enjoy their trip to Ilum, even though it involves a critical, personality-defining moment.

The Significance of Ilum

Ilum's core consists of rare, natural, force-attuned kyber crystals, essential for constructing Jedi lightsabers. Young Jedi must face their fears and defeat their insecurities in Ilum's crystal caves during the Gathering, searching for a living crystal that resonates with their Force signature. This tradition, as old as the Jedi Order, was crucial for each new generation of Jedi.

The Empire's Exploitation

After the execution of Order 66, the Empire seized Ilum's kyber crystal core to power the Death Star's planet-busting lasers, disregarding the planet's ecological harmony. This ruthless exploitation scarred Ilum, leaving a permanent black trench across its frozen surface, symbolizing the Empire's destructive rule.

The First Order's Atrocity

The First Order, surpassing the Empire's cruelty, repurposed Ilum's core to construct the Starkiller Base, a superweapon that drained suns to power its devastating attacks, ultimately consuming Ilum. This marked the tragic end of a once-sacred Jedi site, now a victim of galactic wars.

Ilum's fate reflects the devastating impact of conflict on the galaxy's most revered locations. From providing Jedi with essential resources to becoming a tool for mass destruction, Ilum's story is a poignant reminder of the consequences of war and tyranny in the Star Wars universe.